Both RFS and OS ENTER INTO was JAK-STAT Review obviously limited, despite the size E of the cohort. More non return Cases have been observed after PCR in patients with ER / PR HER-2 and its 2 that in patients with TN tumors, but the limited number of repeats in patients with pCR in the cohort prevented further analysis. It is important to show the current data, that the choice of k the scheme Nnte of paramount importance in patients with breast cancer have TN. The DD scheme, which has used anything similar doses of doxorubicin and paclitaxel almost tripled the rate of PCR in patients with TN. Despite a relatively big number of patients included s, there are obvious RESTRICTIONS Website will due to the retrospective nature of this analysis and a relatively small number of events for the survival analysis. However, it was a median follow-up of 68 months longer than in other series Haupts Chlich systems combined with taxanes and anthracyclines. Moreover, in an analysis of 15 years of follow-up of patients treated with neoadjuvant chemotherapy showed that most events occur in the first 5 years.
Besides the obvious importance of the stage, best Preferential multivariate analysis of the current cohort, the independent Independent prognostic significance of ER expression and PCR for both RFS and OS. In addition, DD was control pr Diktiven a lower risk of death. In the retrospective series of other, not only were the different cytotoxic chemotherapy regimens of different duration, but also the definition of the various PCR. In this series, a stricter definition of PCR was adopted. W Were used while in most other series institutional regimens were not uniform in the current cohort of two basic patterns are used in most patients. Contemp Similar to others Ssischen series, the current cohort also reflects the introduction of trastuzumab in the adjuvant therapy of breast cancer in terms of developing the standard of care. Currently there is no single universally accepted scheme for neoadjuvant chemotherapy in breast cancer.
In general, identical patterns for adjuvant and neoadjuvant chemotherapy. Trials of adjuvant chemotherapy for breast cancer have a significantly h Here number of patients receiving neoadjuvant chemotherapy studies and recommendations for treatment based neoadjuvant therapy with proven efficacy in the adjuvant setting included. Based on randomized clinical trials demonstrating the benefit of the tt administration of taxanes in the adjuvant standard treatment in our center was used for neoadjuvant chemotherapy, the combination of doxorubicin and paclitaxel developed on the combination of DD Directors of doxorubicin and cyclophosphamide, and paclitaxel sequentially w Weekly. This regulation was adopted DD is based on the results of efficacy in randomized clinical studies for both adjuvant chemotherapy for patients with high risk and neoadjuvant chemotherapy. The use of filgrastim in our center because of the high drug co t Descr Nkt, so that part of the Direct Debit by paclitaxel was w Chentliche version paclitaxel has been shown to h Be higher than the administration every 3 weeks. Weekly paclitaxel itself shows a diagram SD. One factor for the differences in CRP levels k Can h Here proportion of patients with DD regime, which treats all treatment cycles to be completed.