Therapeutic strategies for chronic prophylactic dosing, analogous

Therapeutic strategies for chronic prophylactic dosing, analogous to lipid-lowering treatments for heart disease, are needed to prevent cognitive decline and the development of dementia in patients at the beginning stages of Alzheimer’s disease. This strategy has been relatively effective in the management of cardiovascular disease and may prove a successful strategy for preventing the development

of dementia from Alzheimer’s disease as well. Approaches for interventional treatment The only drugs currently on the market for AD provide primarily symptomatic relief. While the identification of surrogate biomarkers and novel imaging technologies provides the framework to identify Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical high-risk individuals or individuals with early stage disease pathology, parallel approaches are also needed to develop disease modifying drugs to effectively treat these individuals. In terms of AD pathogenesis, it is thought that Aβ aggregation Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical into amyloid plaques is the causative agent that initiates the disease cascade, leading to Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical neurofibrillary tangles and neuronal cell loss. This hypothesis has

become known as the amyloid cascade hypothesis.7 This hypothesis was strengthened by human genetic studies identifying mutations in the APP gene in inherited familial early onset AD.26-28 These mutations stimulate APP processing, resulting in increased Aβ42 production. By this hypothesis, therapies capable of reducing Aβ42 levels or preventing its aggregation may block Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical the disease cascade, making this approach extremely attractive as an early-stage disease intervention. In addition to Aβ-targeted therapies, other therapeutic strategies that would protect neurons from injury are discussed

below. This discussion is by no means a comprehensive list of ongoing treatment research programs, but is meant to highlight some of the key areas that are potentially applicable to preventative treatment development. Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical There are many research programs dedicated to disrupting Aβ pathology, including directly medical inhibiting Aβ aggregation, enhancing Aβ clearance, or blocking its production. Inhibiting Aβ aggregation has proven quite challenging; however, many groups are continuing to work on developing small molecule inhibitors of this reaction.29 Investigators are targeting to a wide range of mechanisms to promote the many clearance of Aβ from the brain. Included in this are research programs aimed at activating the efflux pumps at the blood-brain barrier, upregulating Aβ degradation enzymes, and immunotherapy methods that target disease-specific Aβ species, among other strategies.30-32 There are also numerous efforts focused on reducing Aβ production by targeting the enzymes that generate Aβ from its precursor, APP.

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