The majority of disease-causing mutations are unique; nonetheless, relatively frequent mutations have been described in certain populations with a possible founder effect traced from the original mutated carrier to the newly occurring cases. Affected cases have been described
worldwide with a few high-prevalence regions like South-Africa, Taiwan and Holland (1, 8-10). Herein, we described two unrelated cases affected with classical early-onset Pompe disease, both pertaining to the same small Mexican region, with the same novel homozygous frameshift mutation at gene GAA (c.1987delC), identified by complete gene sequencing. Report of cases Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical Case 1 A 6 month-old boy was referred to our institution from his community hospital due to a febrile disease, productive cough and respiratory distress during a week without response to infection treatment. On physical examination he was found with heart failure, hepatomegaly and severe Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical cardiomegaly. He was the first child born to young, healthy and
presumably unrelated parents. The baby was obtained by uncomplicated vaginal delivery, with normal birth weight (3,400 g). Soon after birth the mother noticed perioral cyanosis during breast feeding. Two previous hospitalizations due to pneumonia were recorded. Motor development was delayed, head control or sitting position was not reached; however he was able to place objects Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical in his mouth, smile at parents and follows adult gaze. At our center the patient received evaluation by the pediatric cardiologist, who found a systolic murmur grade II-III, reinforcement at tricuspid focus, and pulmonary auscultation with fine generalized crackles. Abdominal exam showed hepatomegaly. A radiogram Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical showed enlarged heart and liver (Fig. 1A, B). EKG showed an inverted T wave from V4-V6 Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical as well as AVF, suggesting left systolic overload. The echocardiogram showed a prominent biventricular hypertrophy, with an ejection Wnt inhibitor fraction of 52%, and thus, severe hypertrophic cardiomyopathy was diagnosed. On
the neurological exam he showed a weak cry, profound muscle weakness, during traction of the patient from a supine position the head control was completely absent, and both legs remain in a Linifanib (ABT-869) position of profound hypotonia. Three weeks later the child died due to heart failure. Postmortem histologic examinations showed glycogen accumulation in heart, liver and skeletal muscle (Fig. 1C-E). Figure 1. Simple A-P radiograms showing conspicuous cardiomegaly (A) and hepatomegaly (B) in Case 1. Postmortem histopathological preparations (C) showing enlarged myocardial cells with vacuolated appearance and displacement of myofibrils. The hepatocytes (D) showed … Case 2 A 7-month-old boy with history of repeated respiratory infections since the age of 3 months was referred to our institution. He was the first child of healthy unrelated parents.