By scanning each color separately, differential gene expression c

By scanning each color separately, differential gene expression can be assessed in an internally controlled manner. This method of gene expression analysis is a convenient way to compare the efficacy and side effects of drug candidates: cultured cells or animals are treated with several drug candidates that, share a common mechanism. A comparison of gene expression changes often reveals changes that Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical are mechanism-related and are shared by such compounds, as well as changes that are

peculiar to one compound and suggest, that the compound has side effects. Such analyses can help clarify the therapeutic mechanism of action of drugs. Oligonucleotide arrays, upon which sets of oligonucleotides represent different alleles of an SNP, are used for the analysis of DNA variation. Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical In this way, thousands of SNPs can be read out automatically and rapidly63,64 By applying whole-genome SNP LD mapping to Selleck Mocetinostat patients during phase 2 clinical trials of a drug, it may be possible to select multiple small regions from the whole-genome Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical SNP map where SNPs are in LD and associated with efficacy and common adverse

event, phenotypes. Selecting only these small regions of SNP LD into abbreviated SNP LD profiles will enable more rapid and inexpensive screening of patients who are likely to experience efficacy or ADRs in response to that drug.65 Thus, whereas the phase 2 SNP scan might, genotype up to 200 000 SNPs for each patient,66 the critical data, used for identifying markers for efficacy for subsequent, phase 3 clinical trials may use only several hundred SNPs from Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical multiple small regions in LD associated with efficacy or ADRs. The cost of chips as a platform for drug response

profiling is likely to be reduced when analyses of hundreds of thousands of patients are performed once the medicine is marketed. In fact, each chip could contain a panel of abbreviated SNP LD profiles for several drugs with the same clinical indications, Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical so that the most appropriate medicine with that indication for that patient can be determined from Linifanib (ABT-869) a single blood sample. Competition in the biotechnology sector to develop industrial genotyping capacity has reduced the retail price of genotyping some SNPs from US1 to US0.10 per SNP within 1 year,12 and the prediction is a continued decrease in price to less than US$0.01. There are ongoing technological developments, eg, the extraction of DNA from a few cells, from a buccal swab, and for the amplification of human DNA and RNA, in order to produce sufficient, quantities from minute samples (eg, GenomiPhi®, Amersham). This will circumvent, the need for a blood sample and make individual sampling even easier. One can predict that, in the future, metabolic screens of genetic variants will be standardized so that automated read-outs of each person’s predicted response to each medicine can be generated.

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