5a and b). In challenged
shrimps, strong signals of Fein-Penaeidin transcripts were found to be standard at all the seven exposure times at 0, 3, 6, 12, 24, 36 and 48 h. The transcript of Fein-Penaeidin increased to the highest level at 6 h after PG and V. parahaemolyticus challenge. ( Fig. 6a and b). Significant difference (p<0.05) in Fein-Penaeidin expression was found between the PG, V. parahaemolyticus and the control group at 6, 12, 24, 36 and 48 h of post –injections. The penaeidins which are present in different tissues of shrimp body and haemocytes, could combine antimicrobial BIBF-1120 and chitin-binding properties that may be important in interactions between immune function and developmental function through
the synthesis of the exoskeleton in shrimp [40]. The multifunctional properties of AMPs represent an important new area to be investigated. In the present study we have reported the full-length sequence of penaeidin from the haemocytes of the Indian white shrimp F. indicus and its mRNA transcript expression was analyzed in peptidoglycan and V. parahaemolyticus challenged F. indicus. While it is clear that each penaeidin class is encoded by a separate and unique gene, the issue of the genomic sources for the observed isoform diversity in expressed penaeidins this website is still unresolved. Cuthbertson et al. [41] reported the diversity of the penaeidin in L. vannamei and Litopenaeus setiferus, and discovered a novel penaeidin class, designated as penaeidin-4. In the present study, the deduced peptide sequence of the cloned PCR products Fossariinae of the F. indicus penaeidin gene has an open reading frame of 234 bp encoding 77 amino acid including an signal peptide of 19 amino
acids. The multiple alignment of the present study Fein-Penaeidin sequence has revealed a high level of homology with penaeidin from P. monodon. A phylogentic tree analysis of Fein-Penaeidin indicated the same subgroup of Penaeidin from P. monodon. Kang et al. [23] reported that F. chinensis ch-penaeidin is grouped together with P. monodon penaeidin. Three classes of penaeidin namely PEN2, PEN3 and PEN4 were identified in the pacific white shrimp L. vannamei [8] and [41]. The Fein-Penaeidin sequence showed similarity to penaeidin, penaeidin 5, 3b and 3a of P. monodon (66–95%), Fi-penaeidin-like AMP (80%), F. chinenesis penaeidin 5-2, 5-1, 3-2, 3-1 and 5-3 (66–74%), L. vannamei penaeidin 4c, 4a, 2b, 3i, 3h, 3g, 3f, 3a, 3d, 3a, 3a.3, 3a.2, 3a.1, 3j, PEN4-3, PEN3-11, PEN2-4, PEN3-1, PEN4 1, PEN2-1, 3c, 3b, 2 and 3a (61–68%), L. setiferus penaeidin 4d, 3l, 2d, 3n, 3m and 3k (59–60%), L. schmitti penaeidin 3-2, 3-1, 4-1, 2-2 and 2-1 (61%), L. stylirostris penaeidin 3, 2 and 3-2 (51–59%), F. penicillatus pen 3-p and pen 3-o (56%-58%), F. paulensis penaeidin 2-2 and 2-1 (62%), Farfantepenaeus brasiliensis penaeidin (65%), F. subtilis penaeidin (62%). F.