A total of 57 out of the 60 samples were analysed for vitamins.b Student’s t-test was applied.c Values taken from our data published earlier [10]. There was a high intersample variability in the levels of vitamins across subjects, as indicated by the wide range Momelotinib concentration of values. The mean values in the subjects were in the range of values reported recently by others for these vitamins [22–25]. There were no significant differences in the levels of vitamins A and E between the control and cases. Further, there was no significant correlation found between the levels of 8-oxodG and those of
vitamin A (R = 0.1425; P = 0.290) or vitamin E (R = 0.0321; P = 0.813) when cases and controls were combined (Pearson correlation test, two-sided). However, a positive correlation between the levels of 8-oxodG and vitamin A (R = 0.5714; P = 0.026) and vitamin E (R = 0.4834; P = 0.068) was observed when only cases (n = 17) were taken into account (Figure 1). Figure 1 Correlation between 8-oxodG levels and vitamin A (a) and vitamin E (b) in cancer patients group (n = 15). 8-oxodG level is expressed as the number of molecules of 8-oxodG per 106 2′dG; R = 0.5714 and
P = 0.026 for correlation between 8-oxodG and vitamin A; and R = 0.4834 and P = 0.068 for correlation between 8-oxodG and vitamin E; Log of 8-oxodG (Y-axis) is plotted against vitamin A and E concentrations as indicated; circles, values for most individual LY2874455 supplier data; full line, linear regression; dotted line, 95% confidence limit.
Levels of 8-oxodG and hOGG1 polymorphism The potential relationship between 8-oxodG and the Ser326Cys polymorphism in the hOGG1 gene was examined in the pooled population of cases and controls. Comparisons of means of 8-oxodG between genotypes were done with ANOVA after logarithmic transformation. As shown in Figure 2, there was no statistically significant association between levels of 8-oxodG in DNA and hOGG1 Ser326Cys polymorphism (P = 0.637). The prevalence of the Cys allele, hOGG1 326Cys, was 0.27 in the controls and 0.09 in the cases (Table 3). Figure 2 Levels of 8-oxodG according to hOGG1 genotypes. Data from patients and controls were combined (n = 60) and analyzed by ANOVA (P = 0.637). 8-oxodG level is expressed as the number of molecules of 8-oxodG per 106 2′dG and Log of 8-oxodG (Y-axis) is plotted against frequencies of hOGG1 genotypes as indicated. circles, values of individual sample. Table 3 Geneticin research buy Genotype frequency of hOGG1 Ser326Cys in patients with oesophageal cancer Genotype Controls (n = 43) (%) Patients (n = 17) (%) Total (n = 60) (%) Ser/Ser 22 (51) 14 (82) 36 (60) Ser/Cys 19 (44) 3 (18) 22 (37) Cys/Cys 2 (5) 0 2 (3) Cys allele frequency 0.27 0.09 0.22 Numbers in parentheses represent the relative percentage in the group.