AMCLC conceived and participated in the design of the study, carr

AMCLC conceived and participated in the design of the study, carried out and supervised

the rest experiments, and wrote the manuscript. All authors read and approved the final manuscript.”
“Background Pseudomonas aeruginosa is an important opportunistic human pathogen. It is known for its ability to inhabit diverse habitats ranging from soil to immunocompromised individuals [1]. In these environments, it can adopt either a planktonic or a surface-associated biofilm lifestyle. Biofilms, structured surface-associated microbial communities, are of considerable interest as they constitute an important survival strategy in infections [2]. P. aeruginosa forms different types of biofilms depending on the environment. In static liquid culture it forms pellicles at the air-liquid interface, under flow it can form solid surface-associated (SSA) biofilms and on solid agar medium it forms colonies [3]. Colonial growth is an easy and commonly buy BIBF 1120 used assay to study development of multicellular structures like biofilms [4–6]. Biofilms are encased in a matrix composed of exopolysaccharide (EPS), AZD8186 cell line but also extracellular DNA (eDNA), proteins, RNA and ions [7]. There are two main EPS in non-mucoid P. aeruginosa, Pel (encoded by pelA-G) and Psl (encoded by pslA-O) (Figure 1) [9–11]. Pel is glucose rich whereas Psl is MLN8237 mw galactose and mannose rich [11–13]. P. aeruginosa strain PA14 only contains pel while strains PAO1 and ZK2870 contain both pel and psl

[11, 12]. All of these strains are clinical isolates that differ in their aggregative behavior. While strains PA14 and PAO1 are the most commonly used laboratory strains, strain Orotic acid ZK2870 with its autoaggregative phenotype is believed to be the most representative among clinical strains [12]. Figure 1 Putative link between LasR and Psl control in P. aeruginosa PAO1. A. CHIP-chip analysis performed with LasR-specific antibodies [8]. The signal peak near the bottom left corner of the panel indicates enrichment of psl promoter fragments and the vertical light grey bar represents the pslA gene (PA2231). The data were visualized using SignalMap (Nimblegen). B. psl EPS locus. C. pel EPS locus.

Quorum sensing (QS) is a cell density-dependent mechanism of bacterial communication that coordinates other group behaviors. P. aeruginosa has two complete acyl-homoserine lactone (acyl-HSL)-based QS systems, las and rhl [14, 15]. They consist of the transcriptional regulators LasR and RhlR and the signal synthases, LasI and RhlI, respectively. LasI and RhlI catalyze the synthesis of N-3-oxododecanoyl-homoserine lactone (3OC12-HSL) and N-butryl-homoserine lactone (C4-HSL), which bind and activate their cognate transcriptional regulators LasR and RhlR, respectively. Both systems are arranged in a hierarchical manner with the las system controlling the rhl system [16, 17]. A third QS system in P. aeruginosa, pqs, is based on alkyl quinolones (AQ) [18, 19]. This system connects both the las and rhl QS systems.

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