Conflict of Interest: None declared
Background: The techniqu

Conflict of Interest: None declared
Background: The technique of vertical dome division or tip defining, involves incising the lateral crura and vestibular skin at or lateral to the

dome or tip defining point. The incision divides the lower lateral cartilage into a lateral segment and a medial segment, which are advanced anteriorly and sutured together to increase tip projection. The present study aimed at assessing a new vertical dome division, which is a modified version of vertical dome technique to decrease nasal tip projection, and increase or decrease nasal tip rotation and other tip deformities. Methods: The medical files of Rucaparib mouse patients undergone rhinoplasty from 2003 Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical to 2008 were retrospectively analyzed. The files were selected from a computerized rhinoplasty database of patients, who had been operated using a modified vertical dome

technique and followed-up for one year or more after the surgery. Results: A total of 3756 patients were operated. Complications related to the nasal Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical tip such as bossae, bifidity, Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical persistent tip projection or tip asymmetry was seen in 81 patients (2.1%). Revisions for tip-related problems were performed in 42 patients (1.1%). Conclusions: The findings suggest that the modified vertical dome technique is an effective method for nasal tip deprojection and narrowing via an open approach. The length of follow-up and the large sample size support effectiveness of the technique. Key Words: Vertical dome division, rhinoplasty, nasal cartilage, Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical modified technique Introduction Successful surgical control of the nasal tip is considered the

most difficult step in rhinoplasty. Nasal tip repositioning techniques are used to modify the existing alar cartilages, and to augment the nasal lobule with grafts or implants. The overprojected nasal tip, commonly called the Pinocchio- or Cyrano de Bergerac–type Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical nose, is a relatively unusual deformity. Nasal tip projection is defined as the distance that the nasal tip extends anterior to the facial plane.1,2 The degree of tip projection is important to exclude factors that may cause an illusion of overprojected nasal tip such as a deep naso-frontal angle, marked dorsal saddling, retrodisplaced chin, or short upper lip.1,3 The next step in evaluating an overprojected nasal tip is to properly analyze the anatomic factors no that contribute to the development of such a deformity.4 The medial and lateral crura make up two cartilaginous arches, which anatomically support the nasal tip. This is achieved through the length and strength of the medial and lateral crura.2-5 The ligamentous attachment of the medial crural footplates to the caudal end of the septal cartilage, the fibrous connections between the upper and lower lateral cartilages, and the interdomal ligament, which spans over the anterior septal angle, support the projection of the nasal tip.

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