ial methylation of alleles. SNP markers sellckchem within regulatory elements can there fore affect traits by influencing the expression of genes, and could potentially be used in breeding programs to improve complex traits such as drought tolerance, growth and wood quality traits. Enrichment of several stress responsive gene categor ies among the genes showing DAE and similar total gene expression between control and stress treatments indi cates that these variants may be the trans acting variants or variants influenced by mutations to transcriptional network. Similar Inhibitors,Modulators,Libraries results were reported by Tuch et al. By comparing gene expression patterns between tumour and normal tissues they identified several genes with differential allelic expression but similar total gene expression between the two types of tissues.
Gene ontol ogy tests with allelically imbalanced genes indicated en richment of several gene categories common to the set of differentially expressed genes between tumour and normal tissues. These results Inhibitors,Modulators,Libraries indicate that allelic expres sion analysis may be helpful in identifying candidate genes even when total gene expression differences be tween the treatments are subtle. While sequencing pooled samples is a cost effective method, pooling different samples may however intro duce different biases. To verify the allelic expression results from this study these SNPs need to be sequenced or genotyped in independent samples. Similarly, the pooling method used in this study does not allow for the detection of causal variants. Sequencing or genotyping of individual samples is required to identify the causal regulatory variants.
Evolutionary signatures of selection among the genes To explore the evolutionary selection Inhibitors,Modulators,Libraries patterns among the genes and to identify the mechanisms of natural se lection under water stressed conditions we studied the selection signatures using Ka Ks estimates. Inhibitors,Modulators,Libraries Most of the genes examined in this study are under negative or puri fying selection with a mean Ka Ks ratio of 0. 39. Similar results were reported in E. grandis. The average Ka Ks ratio observed in that study was 0. 30. In the previous study, Novaes et al. have ana lysed 2001 genes while in the present more than 13,000 genes were analysed. This study thus provides genome wide selection patterns among the genes expressed in the leaf tissue.
Most of the protein coding genes in plants and animals are in general under purifying selec tion indicating that Cilengitide these genes may have central func tions and nonsynonymous mutations affecting their function thoroughly have been removed by purifying selection. Gene ontology enrichment tests have revealed gene categories belonging to several biological processes were enriched among the negatively selected genes. Similar results were reported in E. grandis where genes encoding protein translation were the most significantly enriched among negatively selected genes. In the present study however apoptosis and cell death categories were significantly enriched amon