Immunostaining with antibodies against an epitope common to EphB1/2/3 receptors revealed strong staining throughout the cortical thickness, consistent with previous data on EphB messenger RNA expression, indicating that binding partners of ephrin-B1 neurons can be found among radial glial cells and neurons throughout all cortical compartments (Figure S1B). Ephrin-B1 can interact with Eph receptors as a ligand or a receptor, through forward and reverse signaling, respectively CDK inhibitor (Egea and Klein, 2007). To test whether ephrin-B1 reverse signaling was involved, we overexpressed
a mutated form of ephrin-B1 where its entire intracellular domain (ephrin-B1T) is replaced by GFP, thereby preventing reverse signaling but preserving targeting to the plasma membrane and binding to Eph receptors (Figure S6). Gain of function of ephrin-B1T revealed a normal, nonclustered, distribution of electroporated cells (Figure 5D), thereby indicating that reverse signaling through the intracellular domain is crucial to induce neuron clusterization
on ephrin-B1 gain of function. Ephrin-B reverse signaling has been linked to several regulatory pathways of the cytoskeleton, leading to direct modulation of neurite extension and dynamics, usually through small G proteins (Xu and Henkemeyer, 2009). In order to determine which ephrin-B1-dependent effector(s) may be involved here, we searched for putative intracellular effectors of ephrin-B1 signaling previously identified in functional Protein Tyrosine Kinase inhibitor screens (Huynh-Do et al., 2002, Jørgensen et al., 2009 and Xu et al., 2003) and selected those that appeared to be expressed in the cortical SVZ/IZ (according to literature and a
search of database websites). We then tested potential candidates functionally using an in vivo targeted “suppressor” screen. Specifically, whatever we performed ephrin-B1 electroporation together with loss-of-function constructs (using dominant-negative forms or RNA interference), looking for suppression of the ephrin-B1-dependent neuronal clustering. Strong ephrin-B1 clustering effects could still be observed following inhibition of various candidate effectors/pathways, including β-integrins, focal adhesion kinase (FAK), β-2-chimaerin, and Janus kinase (data not shown). In contrast, the inhibition of P-Rex1, a GEF for Rac (Waters et al., 2008 and Yoshizawa et al., 2005) (using a dominant-negative form devoid of GEF domain: Prex1DN) (Yoshizawa et al., 2005), resulted in robust inhibition of ephrin-B1-related clustering (Figures 6A–6O), while the number of cells remained similar in the VZ (Figure S7). No effect was observed following overexpression of WT P-Rex1, confirming the specificity of the inhibition of the dominant-negative form. Moreover, inhibition of P-Rex1 by Prex1DN completely abolished the effect of ephrin-B1 on the morphology of the neurons and number of neurites at the multipolar phase (Figures 6H and 6K).