In higher eukaryotes, the sequence context can appreciably modulate the efficiency of translation initiation from AUG. In contrast, in low eukaryotes, the sequence context appears to have a negligible effect on translation initiation from AUG [29]. For example, Cigan et al., reported that sequence context selleck changes CYC202 in vivo at both 5′ and 3′ to the yeast HIS4 AUG initiator resulted in no more than a 2-fold decrease in expression
[15]. However, recent studies argued that sequence context, in particular the nucleotide at position -3, plays a critical role in non-AUG initiation in yeast [21, 24]. In this connection, it was interesting to point out that the non-AUG initiator codons of ALA1 and GRS1 and the cryptic initiator codon of ALA1 identified herein all bear a favorable nucleotide “”A”" at their relative position -3 [18, 19]. On the other hand, having -3A alone does not guarantee
that a non-AUG codon such as ATA can efficiently act as an initiator codon. Perhaps, the individual start codon mutations have different effects on stabilities of secondary structures around the start codon. Conclusion Not all non-AUG codons that click here differ from AUG by a single nucleotide can act as initiator codons in yeast. In addition, a sequence context that is most favorable for a given non-AUG initiator codon might not be as favorable for another. Thus, it appears that every non-AUG initiator codon has its own favorite sequence context in yeast. Acknowledgements †This work was supported by a grant (NSC 97-2311-B-008-003-MY3 to C.C.W.) from the National Science Council (Taipei, Taiwan). References 1. Carter CW Jr: Cognition, mechanism, and evolutionary relationships in aminoacyl-tRNA synthetases. Annu Rev Biochem 1993, 62:715–748.PubMedCrossRef 2. Martinis SA: Escherichia coli and Salmonella Cellular and Molecular Biology. 2nd edition. Edited by: Neidhardt FC. Am. Soc. Microbiol., Washington, DC; 1996:887–901. 3. Giege R, Sissler M, Florentz C: Universal rules and idiosyncratic features in tRNA identity. Nucleic Acids Res 1998,26(22):5017–5035.PubMedCrossRef 4. Pelchat TCL M, Lapointe
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