Likewise, loss of 7p, duplication of 7q, and consistent gains of chromosome 7 have been identified in adult late stage RCC-clear and RCC-papillary subtypes [5–9]. In Wilms tumors, a consensus region of LOH has been identified within 7p21 containing ten known genes, including two candidate tumor suppressor genes, mesenchyme homeobox 2 (MEOX2) and Everolimus purchase sclerostin domain containing 1 (SOSTDC1) [10]. The mesenchyme homeobox 2 protein is a transcription factor that inhibits vascular endothelial cell proliferation and angiogenesis by upregulating p21 expression and decreasing NF-κB activity [11]. SOSTDC1 encodes a secreted signaling modulator
that is known to affect signaling by bone morphogenic proteins (BMPs) and Wingless-Int (Wnt) ligands [12–14]. Previous findings demonstrated that SOSTDC1 is abundantly expressed in the renal epithelia of the distal tubules, collecting ducts, and urothelium [15] and that it is downregulated
in adult renal carcinomas [16]; however, the association between LOH at SOSTDC1 and adult renal cancer has not been explored. The capacity for SOSTDC1 to regulate two key signaling pathways, BMP and Wnt, in renal cells make Selleck Enzalutamide it of particular interest as a potential renal tumor suppressor [16]. As changes in BMP signaling have been noted in a variety of AMG510 order tumors [17–19], including renal tumors [20], an extracellular modulator of BMP signaling could have potential tumor suppressor roles within normal kidney epithelia. Similarly, dysregulation of the Wnt pathway often plays a role in tumorigenesis [21]. In Wilms tumors specifically, mutations have been observed in β-catenin, the main intracellular effector of classical Wnt signaling [22]. Alterations in Wnt signaling have also been implicated in adult renal carcinoma [23]. The observations that SOSTDC1 is located within a chromosomal region frequently disrupted in renal tumors and that the SOSTDC1 protein modifies two cell signaling pathways that are critical to renal development and function, led us to investigate the relationship between LOH at 7p and SOSTDC1 in adult as well as pediatric
kidney tumors. Methods Cells and culture conditions The HEK-293 (CRL-1573; human embryonic kidney), MDA-MB-231 (HTB-26; epithelial adenocarcinoma), and MCF-10A Phosphoglycerate kinase (CRL-10317; mammary epithelial) cell lines were maintained as recommended by American Type Culture Collection (ATCC). Collection of tissues Approval was obtained from the Institutional Review Board at Wake Forest University for the retrieval of matched normal and tumor tissues from the Tumor Bank of the Wake Forest University Comprehensive Cancer Center. Matched normal and tumor tissues were collected for 36 adult kidney cancer patients and seven pediatric Wilms tumor patients. Information concerning the patients’ primary diagnoses was collected; however, no patient identifiers were obtained.