Low level of PI3K/akt activity was detected in the ganglion cell layer (GCL) in intact retina. Acute IOP elevation activated PI3K/akt pathway in the inner nuclear layer and GCL including RGCs. This study thus demonstrates that PI3K/akt pathway mediates RGC survival after IOP elevation but not under
normal condition. (C) 2008 IBRO. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.”
“The current study was designed to reveal the retinotectal pathway in the brain of the echolocating megabat Rousettus aegyptiacus. The retinotectal pathway of other species of megabats shows the primate-like pattern of decussation in the retina; however, it has been reported that the echolocating Rousettus did not share this feature. To test this prior result we injected fluorescent dextran tract tracers into the right (fluororuby) and left (fluoroemerald) learn more superior colliculi of three adult
Rousettus. After a 2-week survival period the animals were killed, fixed via transcardial perfusion, and the retinas whole mounted and examined under fluorescent excitation to reveal the pattern of retrograde transport. Red and green labeled retinotectal ganglion cells were found in side-by-side patches on either side of a vertical decussation line in the temporal retina of all six retinas. The Rousettus examined thus exhibited the same pattern of retinal decussation as reported previously PI3K inhibitor for other megabats and primates, but unlike that seen in other mammals. The current ALOX15 result indicates that the prior study appears to have suffered technical problems leading to an incorrect conclusion. The results of our study indicate that, as may be expected, all megabats share the derived retinotectal pathway once thought to be the exclusive domain of primates. The current study provides additional support for the diphyletic origin of the Chiroptera and aligns the megabats phylogenetically as a sister group to primates. (C) 2008 IBRO. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.”
“The bed nucleus
of the stria terminalis (BST) is a brain structure located at the interface of the cortex and the cerebrospinal trunk. The BST is a cluster of nuclei organized in a complex intrinsic network that receives inputs from cortical and subcortical sources, and that sends a widespread top-down projection. There is growing evidence that the BST is a key component in the neurobiological basis of substance abuse. In the present study, the regulation of excitatory inputs onto identified neurons in the BST was examined in rats treated chronically with morphine. Neurons projecting to the ventral tegmental area (VTA) were identified by retrograde transport of fluorescent microspheres and recorded in the whole-cell voltage clamp configuration in brain slices.