Outline circular, angular or irregular. Surface downy when young, covered with yellowish to rust hairs; later glabrous, smooth or finely granular by perithecial contours. Ostiolar dots invisible or appearing as inconspicuous, light to dark dots. Stroma colour when young brown-orange, light brown, yellow-brown to bright reddish
brown, 5B5–6, 6CD5–8, 8BC7–8; when mature mostly dark reddish brown to dark red, 7DE7–8, 8–9EF6–8, 10CD7–8; rarely rosy-brownish or greyish red, 8CD5–6, or orange to orange-red, 6A6–7, 7A5–6. JQEZ5 Stromata when dry (0.2–)0.6–1.6(–3.6) mm (n = 277) diam, 0.2–0.5(–0.8) mm (n = 33) thick; thin, semi-effuse to effuse, hairy, with white to rust margin young; later effluent, discrete and pulvinate with circular, angular to Tozasertib irregular outline. Surface uneven, tubercular to wrinkled; ostioles invisible or appearing as
dots (24–)34–64(–79) μm (n = 33) diam, light with darker marginal rings, plane or convex. Stromata when young first white, turning yellowish, yellow-, orange-, rust-brown, 4A4, 5BD4–7, 6–7CD(E)5–8, later in the great majority of stromata deep and dark reddish PKA activator brown, 7–9EF5–8, unchanged or slightly darkened in 3% KOH. Stroma anatomy: Ostiolar canal (53–)70–98(–130) μm (n = 138) long, plane or projecting up to 15 μm, (30–)33–49(–57) μm (n = 15) wide at the opening, the opening formed by a palisade of hyaline, apically elongate narrowly clavate cells. Perithecia flask-shaped, ellipsoidal or globose, (135–)220–290(–340) × (72–)150–225(–280)
μm (n = 149); peridium (17–)19–26(–30) μm thick at the base, (11–)13–20(–22) μm thick laterally (n = 15), hyaline. Cortical tissue (15–)18–36(–60) μm (n = 63) thick, present around the entire stroma except for the point of attachment, a t. angularis of isodiametric to slightly elongated, thin- to thick-walled cells (2–)3–9(–19) × (1.5–)2.5–6(–10) μm (n = 360) in face view and in vertical section, with reddish brown to yellow-brown pigment inhomogeneously deposited. Hairs arising from cells of the stroma PJ34 HCl surface, usually abundant when young, scant on mature stromata, 1–5 celled, thin- or thick-walled, (5–)10–24(–47) μm (n = 240) long, (2.0–)3.2–5.0(–7.0) μm (n = 83) wide, apically rounded, pale brownish, smooth to slightly verruculose. Subcortical tissue comprising a mixture of intertwined hyphae (3–)4–6(–7) μm (n = 15) wide, vertical and parallel between perithecia, and hyaline, subglobose to angular cells (3–)5–10(–13) μm (n = 30) diam, flanking the ostioles. Subperithecial tissue a homogeneous, dense t. angularis–epidermoidea of thin-walled cells (3.5–)4.5–15(–39) × (2.0–)4.