Studies were excluded if: (a) the articles which not had English

Studies were excluded if: (a) the articles which not had English version;

(b) the articles addressed life style and daily stress; (c) stress was assessed Go6983 in vitro in women with a psychiatric history; or (d) breast cancer recurrence or other diseases of the breast were measured. In addition, review articles and editorials were excluded. find more Strategy for article identification and selection and data collection The article titles and abstracts were initially evaluated by three reviewers to verify that each primary study addressed the underlying question of the systematic review. The abstracts were grouped into selected versus not selected. The selected articles were retrieved, read in full, and check details screened for those indexed in more than one source or in another

language. In the next phase, data from the selected studies were assigned to an instrument to verify whether they met the inclusion and exclusion criteria, with discrepancies resolved by discussion and consensus. Studies lacking a consensus for inclusion were analyzed by a fourth reviewer. Data from the case–control and cohort studies were assigned to a structured form, which included the last name of the first author, the year of publication, country of origin, type of study, adjustment for confounding factors, and odds ratios (ORs) and 95% confidence interval (CI). The data were reviewed

by the four reviewers. Statistical analysis Statistical analysis was performed preferentially using Cochrane Review Manager Software (version 5.1). For categorical variables, weighted risk ratios and their 95% CIs Avelestat (AZD9668) were calculated using RevMan 5.1 software [14]. Results were tested for heterogeneity at significance level of P < 0.05 as described [15]. A fixed effects model was used if there was no evidence of heterogeneity among studies, whereas a random effects model was used if there was evidence of heterogeneity. The OR and 95% CI for each trial were presented in a Forrest plot. Potential publication bias was assessed by funnel plots, with an asymmetric plot suggesting a possible publication bias.

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