The variation in intensity of inhibition found by some authors ma

The variation in intensity of inhibition found by some authors may be a consequence of species diversity, and of these species adaptations to the aquatic environment. To obtain more evidence that

the purified protein from A. gigas is a trypsin, assays were carried out with specific and nonspecific inhibitors, where the effect of other chemicals agents was also evaluated, as shown in Table 3. The classical trypsin inhibitors (TLCK and benzamidine) completely inhibited proteolytic activity, which was also inhibited (85%) by PMSF (a serinoprotease inhibitor). The reducing agent 2-mercaptoethanol inhibited pirarucu trypsin activity by 38%. Neither EDTA nor TPCK, a chelating agent and specific chymotrypsin inhibitor, respectively, led to any significant effect on pirarucu trypsin activity. The results obtained with inhibitors (TLCK, benzamidine and PMSF) give evidence that this enzyme is trypsin-like. The MAPK inhibitor results obtained with EDTA suggest that the enzyme does not require any ion for an efficient catalysis. The effect click here of 2-mercaptoethanol is manifested by rupture in disulphide bonds, affecting mainly extracellular proteins, such as digestive proteases that are often rich in this type of bond, which improves its stability. However, Bougatef et al. (2007) reported that trypsin from S. pilchardus was not inhibited by 2-mercaptoethanol. Other purified fish trypsins were inhibited

by the classic specific trypsin inhibitor TLCK and the serinoproteases inhibitor PMSF: Coryphaenoides pectoralis ( Klomklao, Kishimura, & Benjakul, 2009b), P. saltatrix ( Klomklao et al., 2007), O. niloticus ( Bezerra et al., 2005). The effect of NaCl on the activity of purified trypsin from A. gigas was evaluated and is shown in Fig. 2E. Trypsin activity decreased with increasing NaCl concentration, showing 65%, 51% and 42% of residual activity at concentrations of 5%, 10% and 15% NaCl (w/v), respectively. This fact can be explained in the light of the salting-out phenomenon, which varies for different proteins and salts. The assessment of Fluorouracil enzyme activity under non-physiological osmolarity is an important factor, because most industrial

processes may occur under such condition. Klomklao et al. (2007) found that trypsin activity from the fish P. saltatrix decreased with increasing NaCl concentrations. However, the trypsin retained about 60% of its activity in the presence of 30% NaCl. Klomklao et al. (2009a) also observed the same effect in two trypsin isoforms from the fish K. pelamis, where trypsin A and B retained about 40% and 50% of their activity in 25% NaCl, respectively. According to Klomklao et al. (2007), proteolytic activity at high salt concentrations suggests the possibility of using trypsin in the fermentation process of fish sauce. Fifteen N-terminal amino acids (IVGGYECPRNSVPYQ) of trypsin isolated from A. gigas were determined and aligned with the N-terminal sequences from other fish and mammalian trypsins ( Fig. 3).

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