This project was partly funded by The Danish Council for Independ

This project was partly funded by The Danish Council for Independent Research (grant no. 10-093725). We thank Bodil Madsen for excellent technical assistance. “
“The temporal and cell density-dependent regulation of expression of virtually all the Staphylococcus aureus virulon is under the control of the agr (accessory gene regulatory) operon. The expression of the agr

operon is subject to transcriptional regulation by the AgrA/C two-component response regulator/sensor kinase pair. During bacteraemia, a frequent syndrome caused by methicillin-resistant S. aureus (MRSA), the transcriptional downregulation of agr expression has been attributed to the sequestration of the quorum-signalling molecule auto-inducing peptide (AIP) by the human serum component apolipoprotein B as part of an innate immune response to infection. However, it is not known whether buy SGI-1776 transcriptional downregulation FK866 of agr expression during growth in human serum is additionally subjected to regulation by transcription regulatory proteins that either directly or indirectly affect transcription from the agr operon promoters. Here, using chromosomal fluorescence reporters of agr expression in

S. aureus, we show that the transcriptional downregulation of agr expression in human serum can be overcome using constitutive active mutant forms of AgrC. Therefore, it seems that the sequestration of the AIP is likely to be the only mechanism by which the host innate immune response limits agr expression at the transcriptional level to maintain the host–pathogen balance towards a noninvasive outcome. “
“Tenacibaculum maritimum (formerly Flexibacter maritimus) is a filamentous, biofilm-forming member of the Cytophaga–Flavobacterium–Bacteroides group (or Bacteroidetes), which causes the widely distributed marine fish disease tenacibaculosis. A search for N-acylhomoserine lactones (AHLs) quorum-sensing (QS)

signals in the culture media of nine representative strains of this species using different biosensor strains revealed the presence of short-type AHL activity in all of them. N-butyryl-l-homoserine lactone (C4-HSL) was identified in T. maritimum NCIMB2154T by LC-MS. A degradation activity for long-acyl AHLs (C10-HSL) Paclitaxel was subsequently demonstrated in T. maritimum NCIMB2154T. The acidification of the culture medium after degradation did not allow the recovery of C10-HSL, which indicates a possible acylase-type degradation activity. Even though the physiological processes under the control of AHL-mediated QS in T. maritimum need to be further characterized, this discovery extends the paradigm of AHL-mediated QS signalling beyond the Proteobacteria and reinforces its ecological significance. Many bacterial species coordinate responses to environmental changes using complex cell–cell communication mechanisms in a cell-density-dependent manner.

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