This software is able to model carrier
escape from the QWs mainly via thermionic emission by considering the lowest energy subband; nonetheless, it has been able to recreate the oscillations and helped improve our understanding of the mechanisms involved in our samples. SimWindows32 is fundamentally a 1D drift-diffusion simulator that solves Poisson’s equation, the current continuity equations, the photon MCC950 manufacturer rate equation and the energy balance equation in steady state. The simulation presented here refers to the device AsN3134, using the values present for GaAs in the Simwindows32 Anlotinib material parameter file and in the literature for GaInNAs [35–37]. The sample bandgap was taken from the PL measurements. Optical excitation was included in the simulation via monochromatic light at λ = 950 nm to excite only the GaInNAs/GaAs QWs, with a 10-mW/cm2 incident intensity. MLN2238 nmr The band profile and the electron
and hole carrier concentrations are recorded as a function of sample growth direction for a selection of applied voltages from 1.4 V down to −5 V. Temperature dependence of PC was simulated and showed that the oscillations are indeed absent at RT and start appearing when lowering the temperature below 200 K, in agreement with the experimental results. The following results refer to the case of T = 100 K, where the amplitude of the oscillations reaches its maximum Etofibrate (see bottom inset
of Figure 1). The simulated I-V results under illumination and their derivative (conductance) are shown in Figure 5 and show the same features which were observed experimentally. Figure 5 Photocurrent- and photoconductance-voltage characteristics of AsN3134 at 100 K under 10 mW/cm 2 illumination, modelled by Simwindows32. The blue arrows indicate the points discussed in Figures 6 to 8. We can clearly see the 10 peaks corresponding to the 10 QWs, in the same way as shown in Figure 4. Throughout the following discussion, we will refer to the peaks from P1 to P10 with decreasing applied voltage, whereas the QWs will be called QW1 to QW10 going from the n- to the p-type region. The simulation results will show that carriers escaping from a specific QW will result in the corresponding number peak. We consider what happens to the band profile, carrier populations and recombination rates throughout the device when moving from forward to reverse bias, thus from the flat band conditions to increasing electric field. The modelled band profile and the electron and hole populations are shown in Figures 6a, 7 and 8a. The band profile, together with Shockley-Read-Hall (SRH), band-to-band (B-B) recombination and optical generation rates are shown in Figures 6b, 7 and 8b. The generation rate is shown to be negative for clarity, and the depth is measured from the top of the p-type region.