Measures Demographics Information

Measures Demographics Information this research was collected on demographics and medical history. Women used a calendar to report the timing of their menstrual cycles for the past three months. Smoking History Participants were asked to report their frequency of smoking, preferred brand of cigarette, years of smoking, and number of quit attempts. Biochemical Confirmation of Smoking CO levels were measured using a Vitalograph Breath CO (Vitalograph, Inc., Lenexa, KS). Urine cotinine was analyzed on site by reversed-phase high-performance liquid chromatography with ultraviolet detection modified from the literature (Hariharan, VanNoord, & Greden, 1988) to include a micro acid back extraction cleanup step. The lower limit of quantitation for cotinine was set to 25 ng/ml.

Nicotine Dependence Nicotine Dependence was assessed using the six-item Fagerstr?m Test for Nicotine Dependence (range = 1�C10; Heatherton, Kozlowski, Frecker, & Fagerstr?m, 1991). Cravings to Smoke Participants evaluated their current cravings to smoke using a Visual Analogue Scale (VAS, range 1�C100). Current Mood Participants were asked to report their current mood in response to bipolar adjectives assessing positive affect (i.e., cheerful, happy) and negative affect (i.e., sad, depressed; Mongrain & Tramabakoulos, 1997) using VAS-mood scales (range 1�C100). Lifestyle Questionnaire The Lifestyle Questionnaire included measures of nicotine dependence, cravings to smoke, and current mood as described above. The Lifetime Questionnaire also included questions assessing alcohol use, caffeine consumption, exercise patterns, and eating behaviors in order to reduce demand characteristics.

Mood Induction Similar to our previous work (McKee, Wall, Hinson, Goldstein, & Bissonnette, 2003), a prerecorded cassette of segments of musical pieces was played during the 10-min mood induction and the 50-min mood-maintenance phase. Examples of musical pieces used to induce a positive mood were Beethoven��s ��Symphony No. 3, Eb Major�� and Yanni��s ��Aria.�� Selections used to induce a negative mood included Beethoven��s ��Piano Trio No 4, D Major�� and Pink Floyd��s ��Shine on You Crazy Diamond.�� Statistical Analyses Analyses of variance (ANOVAs) were run to determine whether baseline differences existed across gender and treatment condition.

In order to ensure that the mood manipulation was effective, a repeated measures multivariate analysis of variance (MANOVA) was performed with mood condition (Negative Mood Induction, Positive Mood Dacomitinib Induction, Neutral Mood) and gender as the between-subjects independent variables and ratings of positive affect and negative affect at two timepoints (pre-mood induction, post-mood induction) as the two dependent variables. To test the primary research questions, univariate ANOVAs were used to analyze the main and interactive effects of mood conditions and gender on smoking behavior.

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