Correspondingly, ultrasound shows a flattening of the nerve under

Correspondingly, ultrasound shows a flattening of the nerve under the arcade with a proximal swelling

in the sulcus. Cross-sectional areas greater than 0.1 cm2 accompanied by a hypoechoic appearance and loss of the honeycomb echotexture, are diagnostic for cubital tunnel syndrome. Another entity is caused by a repetitive subluxation or luxation of the nerve out of the sulcus leading to chronic pressure damage. Selleck Androgen Receptor Antagonist A lacking or loose humeroulnar arcade is postulated as a reason for this. In the case of subluxation, the ulnar nerve is located at the tip of the medial epicondyle at maximum elbow flexion. In the case of luxation, it is dislocated volar to the medial epicondyle. The nerve dislocation is often accompanied by a nerve swelling [2]. Further, space-occupying lesions such as ganglia, lipomas, arthritic changes, accessory muscles, or a dislocation of the medial triceps head (“snapping triceps syndrome”) can be reliably identified. In these mTOR inhibitor cases, the compression is often located proximal to the cubital tunnel, which may result in atypical electrophysiological findings. The diagnostic value of sonography is comparable with electrophysiological methods, in combination it improves the diagnostic yield. In addition,

it provides prognostic information: the extent of swelling in the sulcus correlates negatively with clinical improvement after surgery [8]. Since the less common compression syndromes affect mostly smaller nerves, the sonographic depiction of a direct nerve compression is more difficult. Therefore, the main role of sonography lies in the recognition of neighborhood processes as compression factors. Thus, sonography can detect space-occupying lesions such as ganglia or lipomas affecting the ulnar nerve in Guyon’s Loge, the median nerve at the proximal forearm, the interosseous posterior

nerve in the supinator tunnel, the axillary nerve in the quadrilateral space as well as the suprascapular nerve. In the so-called algetic interosseus-posterior-syndrome Protein tyrosine phosphatase an ultrasound-guided infiltration can be performed for diagnostic purposes. In thoracic-outlet-sydrome, sonography can reveal a compression of the spinal nerve C7 or C8 by a cervical rib. In the lower extremities, peroneal nerve at the fibular head and tibial nerve in the tarsal tunnel can be affected by different soft tissue masses (enlarged bursae, ganglia, heterotopic ossification after trauma). Especially the peroneal nerve can be affected by intraneural ganglia emerging from tibiofibular joint via the articular branch [9]. In Morton’s metatarsalgia a “neuroma-like enlargment” of the second or third plantar interdigital nerve can be seen. Even in obese patients with meralgia paresthetica, a compression of the lateral femoral cutaneous nerve can be demonstrated and combined with an ultrasound-guided infiltration (personal experience).

BK – study design, data collection, analysis and interpretation,

BK – study design, data collection, analysis and interpretation, write an article. EJ – study design, Dasatinib acceptance of final manuscript version. MK, MC-K – data collection, analysis and interpretation. UG-C – endoscopic examination with biopsy for histopathological examination. HW – acceptance of final manuscript version. None declared. None declared. The work described in this article have been carried out in accordance with The Code of Ethics of the World Medical Association (Declaration of Helsinki) for experiments involving humans; EU Directive 2010/63/EU for animal experiments; Uniform

Requirements for manuscripts submitted to Biomedical journals. The own research were conducted according to the Good Clinical Practice guidelines and accepted by local Bioethics Committee. “
“Myelomeningocele click here (MMC) is the most common neurological congenital anomaly, affecting approximately 300 000 newborns worldwide every year. The incidence is approximately 1 case per 1000 in the US and ranges from 0.7 in central France to 7.7 in the United Arab Emirates, and 11.7 in South America [1]. In the United Kingdom and Ireland, yearly prevalence of neural tube defects declined, predating any periconceptional folic acid supplementation policy initiatives, from 45 per 10 000 births in 1980 to 10 to 15 per 10 000 in the 1990s [2]. In contrast, in the rest of

Europe the prevalence during the 1980s and thereafter was close to 10 per 10 000 births. In Europe (excluding Southern Europe), in spite of the significant decrease in neural tube defects prevalence in Northern Netherlands, the decrease for all registries combined is slight and non-significant was found. In South Europe the decline in neural tube defects prevalence since 1992 was significant [3]. The prevalence of MMC in Poland is 6.2 per 10 000 births [4]. Mejnartowicz determined the neural tube defects prevalence in

children born in 1997–2002 to mothers residing in the Wielkopolskie, Kujawsko-Pomorskie and Lubuskie Provinces [5]. The calculated neural tube defects prevalence was 10.87 per 10 000 live- and stillbirths in all three provinces. In the same period, the PLEKHM2 prevalence among liveborns was 10.12, and among stillborns 125.76 per 10 000. The prevalence of different types of neural tube defects per 10 000 live- and stillbirths was as follows: anencephaly 2.35, spina bifida 7.27, encephalocoele 1.25.There were no significant differences between the results of the current study and the results of the previous polish population-based studies. Patients with MMC have a range of physical (the difficulties with bowel and bladder management as well as ambulation challenges), intellectual, and communication impairments, with a wide range of severity. All clinical symptoms of MMC have a significant and cumulative impact on family functioning [6].

More specifically, it was tested whether these findings might be

More specifically, it was tested whether these findings might be attributed to the social-psychological phenomenon of stereotype threat, as specific gender-stereotypes can affect task performance

as well as brain activation (e.g., Wraga et al., 2007). The behavioral results of this EEG study are not in conformity with previous findings demonstrating that stigmatized groups underperform when the negative stereotype about their group seems relevant and when the situation strikes one as a test of stereotype-relevant qualities (e.g., Good et al., 2008 and Spencer et al., 1999). Under stereotype exposure girls showed no significant decrease in mental rotation performance. Evidence exists, that participants do not necessarily perform poorly although confronted with a negative stereotype that increases the experience of stress, selleck inhibitor heightened vigilance and emotional suppression (Davies et al., 2005 and Schmader et al., 2008). Under stereotype exposure there was an increase of cortical arousal which indicates that girls working under stereotype exposure have an increased BTK inhibitors stress

arousal. The main aim of this study was to examine whether sex differences in neural efficiency can be attributed to stereotype threat effects. When the mental rotation task was described as a task to produce sex differences (i.e., in the stereotype exposure condition), girls and boys did not show any negative IQ-brain activation relationship. When the task was described as being unaffected by sex (i.e., in the no stereotype

exposure condition) the hypothesized neural efficiency findings occurred only for boys. The later condition represents a replication of findings reported previously by Neubauer et al., 2002 and Neubauer et al., 2005. It hence could be concluded that those findings were not due to stereotype threat. In contrast, eliciting a stereotype Pazopanib research buy threat seems to disrupt the neural efficiency phenomenon, likewise in boys and girls. This finding was somewhat surprising as we had originally hypothesized that sex differences in neural efficiency might only occur in the stereotype threat condition. Girls and boys working in the no-stereotype exposure condition showed equal task performance but nevertheless differed in the correlation between brain activation and intelligence. Only for boys the neural efficiency phenomenon was supported especially at parietal and temporal cortices. These areas, together with frontal brain areas, are assumed to constitute an important network involved in complex information processing (cf. the parieto-frontal integration theory by Jung and Haier (2007)). The finding that sex differences in brain activation do not concur with behavioral results has been reported frequently (e.g., Kober & Neuper, 2011). One reason for this incongruence between behavioral and neurophysiological results might be that sex differences in the cortical activation pattern can be attributed to fixed differences in the cerebral organization in men and women.

Immediately after recovery from the surgery, the rats were moved

Immediately after recovery from the surgery, the rats were moved into individual cages with wood-chip bedding and given free access see more to food and water for 24 h, after which they were transferred to the cardiovascular recording room. On the next day, food and water were removed and the arterial catheter was connected to a P23 Db pressure transducer (Statham Gould, Madison, WI, USA) coupled to a pre-amplifier (model ETH-200 Bridge Bio Amplifier, CB Sciences, Dover, NH, USA) that was connected to a PowerLab computer data acquisition system (model PowerLab 16SP, ADInstruments, Colorado Springs, CO, USA) to record MAP and HR in unanaesthetised

and unrestrained rats. A period of 15–20 min was necessary for MAP and HR readings to stabilise. The effects of injections of saline or muscimol (0.5 nmol/0.2 μl) into the LPBN were tested in control rats and with ligature-induced PD only after 20 min of stable MAP and HR recordings. MAP and HR were recorded for the next 180 min after muscimol or saline injections into the LPBN and the maximum changes were analysed. During MAP and HR recordings,

water and food were not available to the rats. Control rats and rats with ligature-induced PD were submitted to median laparotomy and blood samples (4 ml) were taken via inferior vena cava puncture, followed by perfusion. The samples were then distributed into tubes containing heparin (Hemofol, Cristália, Brazil). Plasma was prepared by centrifugation of blood at 3000 × g for 15 min at 4 °C and then stored in aliquots at −70 °C until used. Plasmatic concentrations of IL-6 and TNF-α were quantified

by means of enzyme-linked Thiamine-diphosphate kinase immunosorbent assay techniques using commercial kits (IL-6, BD Biosciences, San Diego, CA, USA and TNF-α, Invitrogen, Camarillo, CA, USA). The limits of detection of the TNF-α and IL-6 were <4 and <0.7 pg ml−1, respectively. At the end of the experiments (water and sodium intake and blood pressure recording), on the 28th day after periodontal disease induction, the animals were euthanatised. The right and left hemi-mandibles were dissected and fixed in 10% formaldehyde for 24 h. Radiographic images were acquired using 70 kvp, 10 mA, 0.10 s time exposure. The source-to-film distance was always set at 40 cm. The digital image was obtained directly with the optical digital plate (Digora, Soredex, Tuusula, Finland). The optical plate readings were performed in sensitised laser scanner equipment, and the images were analysed by Digora 1.51 for Windows (Soredex, Tuusula, Finland). Radiographic analyses were performed to detect alveolar bone loss as previously described18 and to show that the induction of periodontal disease was effective. The distance between the cemento-enamel junction (CEJ) and the height of alveolar bone was determined for mesial root surfaces of the left and right mandible first molars with the aid of the software. The distances were measured in millimetres.

, 2005 and Bannister et al , 2008) In this study 11 contigs show

, 2005 and Bannister et al., 2008). In this study 11 contigs showed sequence similarity to 10 members of the TGF beta pathway (Table 3). These included the TGF beta signalling antagonists chordin of S. purpuratus, and the inhibitory protein SMAD6. Chordin acts through the inhibition of the BMP signalling pathway to promote neural fate in the ectodermal cells of the developing embryo ( Stern, GSK458 chemical structure 2005). Similarly SMAD6 acts as an inhibitor of the TGF beta pathway by inhibiting SMAD’s 1,2,3,5 and 8 in a negative feedback loop with BMP2/4. The role of chordin and SMAD6 in the inhibition

of BMP2/4 signalling in the ventral and dorsal sides respectively, of the developing embryos of S. purpuratus has been recently described ( Saudemont et al., 2010). Furthermore,

in chick embryos SMAD6 has been shown to be required for the differentiation of neuronal progenitor cells into neurons by the inhibition of the previously discussed Wnt/β-catenin pathway ( Xie et al., 2011). The activity of both of these TGF beta antagonists, particularly the potentially dual inhibitor SMAD6 is of key interest in the timing and progression of neural regeneration in ophiuroids. The Notch signalling pathway, like the Wnt/β-catenin pathway, is a highly conserved signalling cascade that is central to the processes of stem cell maintenance, cell proliferation and differentiation both in the developing embryo and during neural regeneration (Kishimoto et buy Ruxolitinib al., 2012). Members of the Notch signalling pathway were potentially represented in the regeneration transcriptome of O. victoriae with a total of 14 contigs showing sequence similarity to members of this pathway ( Table 4). Accurate designation of some of these transcripts was not possible, because of the high number of epidermal growth factor (EGF) motifs present in Notch genes. In humans, the Notch 1 gene is 7,671 nucleotides long, resulting in a 2,555 amino Thalidomide acid protein with 36 EGF domains. Some of the contigs

contained multiple EGF domains, for example, there were 8 present in Ov_Contig_3370 and as such, represented one of the best candidates for Notch in this restricted data set. Two contigs (Ov_Contig_14968 and Ov_Contig_13312) exhibited sequence similarity to the Drosophila protein Piwi. These contigs did not overlap and so it was not possible to identify if they originated from either the same transcript or two potentially duplicated genes. A translated protein alignment of these contigs with the S. purpuratus Piwi homologue, Seawi, demonstrated that each of the contigs aligned to different domains within the Seawi protein. Ov_Contig_14968 had sequence motifs from 2 out of the 8 described Piwi domains and the Ov_Contig 13312 showed some amino acid conservation to the third of the 6 PAZ domains ( Cerutti et al. (2000). In Drosophila Piwi acts as an RNA binding protein involved in germline stem cell maintenance and cell differentiation.

MDA level was significantly elevated in MSG (high dose) treated g

MDA level was significantly elevated in MSG (high dose) treated group as compared with normal control group, followed by significant increase in both MSG (medium and low dose treated groups) with respect to normal control group. Meanwhile, groups treated with MSG (high dose) co-administered with either vit E (High or low dose) afforded significant increase in MDA level when compared with normal

control group, while elicited significant decrease when compared with MSG treated groups either (high, med or low doses. The MSG (high dose) Rapamycin research buy plus Se either at high or low dose afforded significant decrease in MDA level as compared with MSG-treated groups in three doses and these were the best ameliorative results that succeeded in decreasing MDA levels after treatment of rats with MSG co-administered with Se. On the other hand, the Se-treated groups either in high or low dose elicited non-significant increase in MDA levels as compared to control group. Meanwhile, vit E (high dose) elicited a significant decrease in MDA level as compared to normal control group, while vit E (high dose) elicited non-significant changes in MDA level as compared to control group (Table 1). Table 1 revealed that the administration of MSG in three doses (high, med and low dose) to rats induced highly significant

decrease in CAT activities as compared to control group. Meanwhile rats treated with either vi E (in low or high dose) and/or Se (in either low or high dose) exhibited non-significant changes in CAT activity when compared with control group. On the other hand, MSG (high dose) treated

group co-administered with vit E Pexidartinib mw (high or low dose) and MSG (high dose) followed by administration of Se either (high or low dose) elicited slight decrease in CAT activity as compared with normal control group, but afforded significant increase in CAT activities as compared with MSG-treated groups either in (high, med or low MRIP doses) as this effect was much less intense in groups treated with either MSG with vit E or Se. It was obvious from table that treatment of normal rats with MSG in three doses (high, med or low) elicited significant decrease in SOD activity as compared with control group, at the same time, the administration of vit E in either high or low doses afforded non-significant decrease in SOD activity as compared to normal control group. However, Se- treated group at low dose afforded significant decrease in SOD activity as compared to control group. Meanwhile, Se-treated animals at high dose exhibited non-significant decrease in SOD activity when compared with control group. At the meantime, MSG treated groups in (High, med and low doses) afforded significant increase in SOD as compared to normal control group; meanwhile they elicited significant decrease with respect to normal control group. Administration of MSG in three doses (high, med or low doses) induced significant decrease in GPx activity as compared to control group.

Claude Houdard, dans le remarquable éloge qu’il fit de lui à l’Ac

Claude Houdard, dans le remarquable éloge qu’il fit de lui à l’Académie de chirurgie, rappelle que la chasse en Afrique au grand gibier n’est pas toujours de tout repos : « un lion, blessé par

l’un des chasseurs, attaque le guide de chasse et lui ouvre le flanc droit. Claude Frileux, après un pansement sommaire transporte le Pexidartinib cost blessé en 4 × 4 vers un centre chirurgical lointain. Il se rend rapidement compte que le chirurgien local a beaucoup de bonne volonté, mais malheureusement que le traitement des lésions particulièrement étendues le dépasse totalement. Fort de son autorité, il pratique lui-même la chirurgie nécessaire : résection et réparation du côlon droit déchiqueté par les griffes du lion, chirurgie et ablation d’un segment de l’os iliaque brisé en même temps. Après une réanimation sommaire, il s’occupe d’un rapatriement par avion jusque dans son service à Bicêtre. Le blessé a guéri ». À la fin de sa vie, Claude Frileux ne fréquenta plus guère le milieu chirurgical, mais il eut la grande satisfaction

de voir son fils Pascal devenir chirurgien des hôpitaux (hôpital Foch à Suresnes), sa fille Frédérique ophtalmologiste et une petite fille Solenne entreprendre des études médicales brillantes. Entouré par son épouse, toujours passionné par le dressage des chiens de chasse, il bénéficia jusqu’à la fin d’une activité intellectuelle remarquable. Il laisse parmi ses collègues, ses élèves et ses amis le souvenir d’un homme de cœur, enthousiaste dans tout ce qu’il entreprenait avec des qualités chirurgicales remarquables. “
” La vie est un mystère. Chaque vie a learn more son mystère. Michel Vayssairat est pour nous un mystère me disait, quelques jours avant qu’il ne s’éteigne, un médecin de l’unité de soins palliatifs de l’hôpital Cognacq-Jay à Paris, s’interrogeant en ces termes : à quelles ressources Michel puise-t-il la force de rester encore un moment avec nous ? Michel Vayssairat nous a quittés le 17 février 2012 peu après 9 heures du matin. Ses obsèques ont été célébrées en l’église Saint-Pierre à Lardy, chez lui, tout près de la maison où il avait choisi de passer avec son épouse, Chantal, la dernière partie de sa vie. La

voix pure et naturelle d’Isabelle SPTLC1 Lazareth a accompagné cette cérémonie faisant naître en chacun de nous une autre voix qui résonnait encore quand le chant avait cessé. Ainsi, s’est achevée la vie d’un homme digne et sincère. À l’heure de la séparation d’avec les êtres qui nous sont chers reviennent, lancinantes, toujours les mêmes questions : quel chemin parcouru ? Quelle empreinte laissée ? Quels messages délivrés ? Pour répondre à ces questions, il faudrait faire la synthèse d’une vie personnelle et d’une vie professionnelle. Autant dire résumer une vie avec son lot de bonheurs et d’épreuves, de joies et de tristesses, d’engagements et de renoncements, de succès et d’échecs. Sa vie privée, Michel ne l’évoquait guère devant ses collègues. Une fois pourtant, c’était il y a 20 ans.

Hypertension is the most common cause of vessel injury Hypertens

Hypertension is the most common cause of vessel injury. Hypertension or high blood pressure is a major risk factor in stroke. It has a stepping gradient in inducing vessel damage that lead to the vessels becoming stiff. In the process of hypertension-induced atherosclerosis,

blood vessels become smaller in size, rigid and lose compliance. Elevated blood pressure increases blood flow through the vessels. This induces shear stress elevation that leads to an increase in endothelial-derived relaxing factor (EDRF) production from endothelial cells. This includes nitric oxide, prostaglandin E and prostacyclin. These vasomotor activators induce the superoxide production and reduce the vessels permeability. The endothelial cells in the process of injury will release increased amounts of pro-inflammatory cytokines that will activate the leukocyte. This further induces

the elevation of vaso-active substances such as prostacycline and nitric oxide which eventually induce complete endothelial injury. The increase in intravascular pressure induces stress on the vessel wall in hypertension. This alters the vessel wall thickness through a process called vascular remodeling. Vascular remodeling as a response to high blood pressure leads to the reduction of the diameter of the blood vessel through hypertrophy (hypertrophic outer remodeling or hypertrophic inner remodeling) or through a eutrophic inner remodeling process. Change buy Nutlin-3a in the common-carotid-artery intima–media thickness is believed to be an indicator of generalized atherosclerosis. It has also been adopted as an intermediate end point for determining cardiovascular morbidity and also as a surrogate end point to evaluate the success of lipid

lowering drug interventions [4] and [5]. High-resolution carotid ultrasonography has been used to obtain measurements of the thickness of the tunica intima and media of the carotid arteries. Studies in the western countries have shown not only cross-sectional correlations but also prospective correlations between common-carotid-artery intima–media thickness and the prevalence of cardiovascular and cerebrovascular disease tuclazepam [1], [2] and [3]. There are still few studies showing an association between increased carotid-artery intima–media thickness and stroke in Asia, especially in Indonesia. In this study, we investigated the hypothesis that carotid-artery intima–media thickness is directly correlated with the incidence of stroke. The study subjects were patients in the Cipto Mangunkusumo National Hospital, Jakarta, Indonesia with age ranging from 31 to 75 years old. The patients were categorized into 2 groups, stroke and non stroke groups. There were 131 patients in the stroke group and 128 patients in the non-stroke group. The carotid arteries of all patients were evaluated using high-resolution B-mode ultrasonography using a cross-sectional methodology.

Fig 3 shows the cumulative distribution function for these allow

Fig. 3 shows the cumulative distribution function for these allowances, for normal and raised-cosine uncertainty distributions, constructed

from the 197 tide-gauge allowances. Fig. 2 and Fig. 3 show that the allowances have only a small variation, 90% falling within the ranges 0.61–0.79 m and 0.61–0.73 m, for normal and raised-cosine uncertainty learn more distributions, respectively. The difference between allowances based on normal and raised-cosine uncertainty distributions increases monotonically with the allowance, reaching a maximum of about 0.18 m (in accordance with the results of Eq. (6), with constant ΔzΔz, variable λλ, and P(z′)P(z′) chosen as normal or raised-cosine distributions). Fig. 4 and Fig. 5 show the same information as Fig. 2 and Fig. 3 but with the global-average rise in mean sea level replaced by a spatially varying rise. The allowance is therefore based on a spatially varying rise in mean sea level (Section 3) and on the statistics of storm tides observed at each location (Section 4). Fig. 5 shows that, for a given probability, the difference between using normal and raised-cosine uncertainty distributions is at most about 0.08 m, but it should be noted that, due to the spatial variation in the sea-level rise projections, the difference at any one location may be larger than

this. A striking feature of Fig. 5 is the relatively large number of sites (about 4.5%) selleck chemical with negative allowances (these are all indicated by filled triangles in Fig. 4, which denote allowances less than 0.4 m). Some of these (in the northern regions of North America and Europe) are caused by strongly negative GIA (land

uplift), while the remainder (in the northwest region of North America) are caused by present changes in glaciers and icecaps. The top 5% of the locations have allowances Paclitaxel price greater than 0.97 m and 0.95 m for normal and raised-cosine uncertainty distributions, respectively. Sites with negative or small positive allowances may be removed by excluding all locations north of latitude 55° North, as shown in Fig. 6, which is otherwise similar to Fig. 5. Rejecting these locations makes little difference to the top 5% of the remaining locations, which have allowances greater than 0.98 m and 0.97 m for normal and raised-cosine uncertainty distributions, respectively. The results for each location and for a spatially varying sea-level rise are summarised in Appendix B, which shows allowances for the A1FI emission scenario, and for periods 1990–2100 and 2010–2100 (the latter being the more appropriate for present-day planning and policy decisions). The projections of sea-level rise used to derive these allowances were fitted to a normal distribution.

The term “resistance” to a drug should be used when a drug is una

The term “resistance” to a drug should be used when a drug is unable to selleck inhibitor hit its pharmacological target [25] i.e. when aspirin is unable to inhibit platelet-derived Cox-1-dependent TxA2 production, or when clopidogrel is unable to inhibit the P2Y12 platelet receptor. As a consequence, with regard to aspirin response, resistance refers to assays evaluating TxA2′s stable breakdown product (serum TxB2). With regard to clopidogrel response, resistance refers to the specific evaluation of P2Y12 receptor inhibition

(using quantification of the phosphorylation status of the vasodilator phosphoprotein [VASP assay]) [25]. The term “high on-treatment platelet reactivity” relates more to platelet function assessed with non-specific assays (aggregation-based assays) that provide a more global evaluation of platelet reactivity. Several genetic and non-genetic factors have been associated with the variability of antiplatelet drug response [26], but these factors explain only a small proportion of the observed variability. There is however a major difference between the causes of the variability of aspirin response in comparison to clopidogrel response. The biological response Talazoparib clinical trial to the latter antiplatelet drug is mainly mediated by the efficiency of the metabolization of the pro-drug and thus by the concentration of the active metabolite that is driven by esterases and liver CYP [27].

Clopidogrel response is thus mostly determined by liver-related factors. Conversely, specific assays revealed that aspirin has a much more homogeneous effect, with more than 95% of TxA2 production being inhibited in the

vast majority of patients [25]. However, when using aggregation-based assays, a significant proportion of CV patients (around 30%) displayed preserved platelet function despite adequate inhibition of platelet-derived TxA2 production [28]. This finding points to platelet-related factors that may overcome aspirin’s inhibition of the TxA2 pathway. Aspirin may thus reveal compensatory mechanisms that allow platelet aggregation to occur despite TxA2 inhibition, 5-Fluoracil manufacturer and cardiovascular patients treated with aspirin as their sole antiplatelet drug are of particular interest for the identification of these compensatory pathways [29]. The platelet activation pathways that might modulate platelet reactivity in aspirin-treated CV patients are not known. Pioneering studies addressed the issue of the heterogeneity of platelet reactivity in healthy subjects. They showed that a phenotype of “platelet hyperreactivity” is found in around 14% of this population [30]. Moreover, it has been shown that this phenotype is strongly heritable, global (not agonist-specific), stable over time and barely affected by CV risk factors [30], [31], [32] and [33]. Moreover, platelet hyperreactivity was shown to be independent of aspirin intake [34], i.e. subjects with platelet hyperreactivity without aspirin treatment still displayed platelet hyperreactivity on treatment.