Cytokine production   Cytokines were measured in seven patients u

Cytokine production.  Cytokines were measured in seven patients using ELISA assay. Production of IFN-γ was used to assess T helper type 1 (Th1) function, whereas production

of IL-5 was used to assess Th2 function. One patient (#9) had decreased IFN-γ production, whereas two patients (#2 and HIF-1 pathway #12) had decreased production of IL-5. Natural killer cells and activity.  CD3–CD16+CD56+ NK cells were analysed by multi-colour flow cytometry, whereas NK cytotoxicity was measured by lysis of labelled target K562 cells. Proportions of NK cells were increased in two subjects and decreased in another two subjects (Fig. 1, top panel), but absolute numbers were normal in check details all (Fig. 1, bottom panel). NK cytotoxicity was reduced in only one of eight patients tested (patient #12). Neutrophil function.  Oxidative burst was tested in eight patients; two patients (#2 and #9) showed a modest decrease in neutrophil oxidative burst. Complement components.  Six patients had data on levels of 50% haemolytic complement (CH50) assay, C3 and C4. All were normal. TLRs.  Two of the five patients who were tested had low proportions of TLR-4+CD14+ cells (#2 and #7), and one patient had high proportions of TLR-4+CD14+ cells (#4). Four of the 17 patients had mild symptoms that could be managed with antibiotic therapy, and therefore IVIG was not administered

to them. Thirteen of 17 patients received IVIG treatment. They received IVIG at standard doses of 300–400 mg/kg body weight every 2 weeks (because IgG3 half-life

is only 7 days). Initially, patients were started on 300 mg/kg body weight every 2 weeks and IgG3 levels and clinical status were determined. In those patients whose IgG3 levels were not normalized, dose was increased to 400 mg/kg body weight. All patients had normal IgG3 levels while on IVIG treatment. Methocarbamol Two of the patients (#5 and #13) did not show any clinical improvement, and therefore their IVIG was discontinued. Patient 3 had a history of five episodes of sinusitis per year and two pneumonias requiring hospitalization. After receiving IVIG, the frequency and severity of her infections decreased. She had no further episodes of pneumonia, and only two sinus infections per year. Patient 4 reported recurrent episodes of bronchitis and history of pneumonia. While on IVIG, she had no pneumonias and only one URI per year. Patient 7 complained of recurrent sinusitis and bronchitis. While on IVIG she continued to have frequent sinusitis and bronchitis, but subjectively she felt better overall and had lessened severity of infections. Patient 8 had a history of two pneumonias and hospitalizations with recurrent pulmonary and sinus infections (and recovery of multiple organisms from sputum cultures).

Patients were informed about the aim of the study and gave their

Patients were informed about the aim of the study and gave their full consent. The study was approved by the Ethical Committee of

Department of Pediatrics, University Federico II, Naples. The serum level of endomysium (EMA) and tissue transglutaminase (anti-tTG) antibodies [immunoglogbulin (Ig)A] was measured immediately before both gluten challenges started (day 0). EMA were detected by indirect immunofluorescence on frozen sections of human umbilical cord and anti-tTG using the enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) technique with a commercial kit (Eu tTg IgA; Eurospital, Trieste, Italy). Results were interpreted according to the manufacturer’s instructions: negative <9 U/ml, weak positive in the range 9–16 U/ml, selleck compound positive >16 U/ml. Patients ate 200 g of wheat bread or cookies daily for 3 days, corresponding to about 12 g of gluten per day (first challenge). After a wash-out of 3–10 months on a strict gluten-free diet, 13 of 14 coeliacs consumed wheat for an additional 3 days (second challenge). At the time of the first gluten challenge, 11 patients were seronegative for EMA or anti-tTG and three had low antibody titres. Two patients complained about abdominal pain on the first day of the challenge, but they did not stop the gluten intake. The remaining patients reported no symptoms. A commercial wheat flour was used for baking the bread and

cookies. Gliadin was extracted according to Wieser et al. [20] and digested enzymatically with pepsin and trypsin, as described previously [21]. The 33-mer (α-gliadin 57–89) peptide was synthesized by solid-phase automated flow, as described elsewhere [2]. Both PT-gliadin (indicated hereafter as gliadin) and peptides were deamidated with guinea pig tTG, as reported elsewhere [2]. Venous blood (15–20 ml) was collected in a heparizined syringe before (day Celecoxib 0) and 6 days after (day 6) the gluten challenge. Peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs) were isolated by Ficoll-Paque density centrifugation. PBMCs were analysed immediately for antigen recognition by IFN-γ ELISPOT assay, as described previously [22]. Briefly, 4 × 105 PBMCs were seeded in 200 µl

of complete medium X-Vivo15 supplemented with 5% heat-inactivated AB pooled human serum, 1% antibiotics (100 U/ml penicillin and 100 µg/ml streptomycin) and 1% L-glutamine (2 mM) (all provided by BioWhittaker, Verviers, Belgium) in duplicate in 96-well plates (Millipore, Bedford, MA, USA) coated with purified anti-human IFN-γ antibody (MabTech, Nacka Strand, Sweden). Gliadin, either deamidated or native, was tested at 50 µg/ml and 33-mer peptide at 30 µg/ml (7·7 µM). Cells were incubated for 36–40 h with biotinylated anti-human IFN-γ antibody (MabTech) followed by incubation with streptavidin horseradish peroxidase (HRP) (BD-Pharmingen, San Diego, CA, USA). Spot-forming cells (SFC) were counted by an immunospot analyser (A.EL.

Patients who were on anti-TB treatment were also excluded Socio-

Patients who were on anti-TB treatment were also excluded. Socio-demographic data including gender, age, information on previous history of TB treatment, BCG status and contact with TB patients were recorded. Three sputum specimens (spot, morning, and spot) were obtained from each study participant, who was clinically suspected of PTB by a physician. Smear was prepared from a portion of each specimen, processed by the Ziehl-Neelsen (ZN) staining technique

and microscopically examined for acid-fast bacillus (AFB), as previously described [35]. The remaining specimen was transported to the Aklilu Lemma Institute of Pathobiology (ALIPB) laboratory under cold conditions, decontaminated with an equal volume of 4% NaOH and centrifuged at 300 g for 15 min. The supernatant was decanted while the sediment was neutralized with 1% (0.1 N) HCl using phenol red as an indicator, and the pellet was inoculated onto Lowenstein–Jensen medium containing pyruvate or glycerol and being incubated for 10 weeks at 37 °C as previously

described [34]. Cultures were followed weekly for the growth of rapidly growing mycobacteria colonies, and positivity for AFB was confirmed by smear microscopy. On the day of sputum collection, a 3-ml venous blood sample was collected from each individual. The sample was centrifuged, and the serum was separated and stored at −20 °C before Selumetinib cost immunoglobulins assay. ELISA was performed according Amisulpride to the manufacturer’s instruction (Mabtech, Nacka Strand, Sweden), with slight modification. Briefly, polystyrene 96-well micro-plates were coated overnight at 4 °C with 100 μl per well of ESAT-6/CFP-10 fusion and RV2031 (2 μg/ml) antigens diluted in PBS (pH 7.4). After washing the plates, 200 μl of blocking reagent containing PBS with 0.05% Tween and bovine serum albumin (BSA) was added

into each well and incubated for 2 h at room temperature. The plates were washed, and 100 μl of serum sample diluted (1:20 for IgA and 1:100 for IgG) in PBS containing 0.05% Tween and BSA was added in duplicate into each well and incubated for 2 h at room temperature. 100 μl/well of PBS containing 0.05% Tween and BSA was used as negative control for each sample. After washing the plates, anti-IgA-biotin and anti-IgG-biotin monoclonal antibodies diluted 1:1000 for IgA, and 1:5000 for IgG in PBS containing 0.05% Tween and BSA were added to the respective wells and incubated for 1 h at room temperature. The plates were washed, and streptavidin-HRP diluted (1:1000) in PBS containing 0.05% Tween and BSA was added to each well and incubated for a further 1 h. The plates were washed six times before TMB substrate (100 μl/well) was added into each well and incubated for 10 min at room temperature. Finally, the reaction was stopped by adding 100 μl of stopping solution, and OD was measured at 450 nm.

Grace et al in a review of ANZDATA listed patients starting dial

Grace et al. in a review of ANZDATA listed patients starting dialysis between 2000 and 2010 found only 7% of postcodes outside of major Alisertib cities were in the most advantaged quartile, compared with 54% of postcodes within major cities[9] Gray et al. in a similar review of non-indigenous patients on dialysis on found significant differences in disease burden between major capitals (MC), inner remote (IM), outer remote (OM) and very remote (VR) areas – Figure 2.[10] Patients want to be treated close to where they reside to avoid the cost of travel and dislocation involved in visiting metropolitan based clinics.

The implementation of renal palliative/supportive care services in rural areas requires a different model to metropolitan areas if these patients are to have the same standard of care as those in metropolitan areas. General practitioners and renal physicians tend to refer on the basis of previous personal exposure. Providing specialist renal palliative/supportive

care services will need to involve some on the ground outreach services to gain the trust and respect of the local physicians. Any model will need to enhance contact between palliative care services and local physicians. A ‘move aside while we show you how it is done in the city’ approach is unlikely to be successful. The knowledge base for renal palliative MK 2206 care will need to be outsourced to the local physicians, GPs, and palliative care nurses to enhance patient care. Given that it is unlikely that rural units will have specialist renal palliative /supportive expertise on site the DNT committee supports the concept of a hub and spoke model of care to provide equity of service in all rural and remote areas.

This implies that metropolitan palliative care services will have a responsibility to provide outreach services and will need adequate resources. The same model is used to provide transplant services successfully in rural areas and not only allows rural patients to access these services locally but provides up skilling of the local workforce. Developments in information technology such as telemedicine are possible solutions to some of the problems associated with distance and isolation. The current Medicare Methocarbamol rebate for consultations by videoconferencing should promote and compensate set up costs. This can be easily performed with currently available technology including Skype. There is a potential role for web based on going education for rural renal physicians and palliative care physicians in renal supportive care. This could potentially involve cased based scenarios in a chat room environment. A model currently working in the New England Area involves having a local supportive care nurse who is experienced in dialysis assess all patients referred to the service. Referrals can be from nursing colleagues, GPs, allied health workers and renal physicians.

For example, there is a lack of data about follow-up biopsy with

For example, there is a lack of data about follow-up biopsy with a uniform protocol, which makes it difficult to estimate the natural course in which BKVN will be resolved, there are changes in interstitial inflammation as an antiviral response, and there is the development of subsequent acute rejection. Although AST guidelines suggest serum creatinine be measured once a week, and the plasma

BKV load once a week or biweekly after the initiation of treatment, the definition of remission and good clinical markers of remission have not been described.[10] It can be difficult for treating physicians to know when to restore baseline immunosuppression, when to perform re-biopsy to estimate the click here therapeutic effects or subsequent rejection in patients with sustained allograft dysfunction, and whether anti-rejection treatment should be added if they find tubulointerstitial inflammation with the clearance of SV40 large T antigen staining, especially on early follow-up biopsy. Recent advances in screening and diagnostic techniques for BKVN have reduced the risk of nephropathy,[35] and confirming diagnosis is currently not very difficult in most cases. However, improvement in prognosis in diagnostic BKVN is still uncertain,[14, 35] mainly because of the lack of specific treatment. There also remain a number of unresolved problems. For example,

lack of detailed mechanisms for the latent infection, reactivation, and antiviral immune response in normal subjects and transplant patients. Further basic and clinical studies are necessary for the better understanding of this disease, and for the development of vaccines and drug discovery. “
“The focus in renal transplantation is to increase long-term allograft survival. One of the limiting factors is calcineurin inhibitor

(CNI)-induced fibrosis. The study attempted to examine the histological aspect of interstitial Etoposide manufacturer fibrosis and the modulation of the TGF-β canonical signaling pathway following early withdrawal of CNI from sirolimus-based immunosuppressive therapy. Forty-five kidney transplant recipients with low-medium immunologic risk were randomized and underwent protocol biopsies obtained at the time of transplantation and at 3 and 12 months thereafter. The recipients were taking tacrolimus, sirolimus and prednisone. After the 3rd month, patients were randomized into two groups: SRL (removed CNI and increased sirolimus) and TAC (maintained CNI). Renal biopsies were analyzed according to Banff’s 2007 criteria. The sum of Banff’s ct and ci constituted the chronicity index. Fibrosis was evaluated by the histomorphometrical analysis of the total collagen and myofibroblast deposition. Immunohistochemical characterization and quantification of TGF-β, TGF-β receptor 1 (TGF-β-R1), receptor 2 (TGF-β-R2) and phospho-Smad2/3 (p-Smad2/3) were performed. Maintenance of CNI was associated with the increase of the surface density of collagen and α-SMA, (p=0.001).

For an optimized and more focused application of LGG – and other

For an optimized and more focused application of LGG – and other probiotics – in IBD, more knowledge about the molecular mechanisms of action is needed. Bacterial cell surface molecules are expected to be key players in determining strain-specific probiotic–host interactions [49]. check details As LTA is presumed to be a major proinflammatory molecule in Gram-positive

bacteria [31], we studied the importance of LGG’s LTA structure for its probiotic effects in a murine colitis model by using a mutant that shows a drastic LTA modification. Instead of complete removal of LTA a modification of LTA was introduced, as LTA is an essential part of the cell wall and mutants lacking LTA are not viable [50]. This LGG dltD mutant contains LTA molecules that are completely devoid of D-Ala ester substituents, resulting in an altered cell surface charge and altered cell morphology (for details see [37]). In this work, the performance of LGG wild-type and dltD mutant was compared in two experimental set-ups of DSS-induced colitis after confirming that the mutation had no significant effect on survival. In both set-ups, the dltD mutant performed SAR245409 better than LGG wild-type, i.e. this mutant appeared to relieve the severity of colitic parameters. LGG wild-type exacerbated the colitic parameters in the moderate to severe model, but this detrimental effect was not seen

in the mild chronic model. We hypothesize that these results could be due to severe disruption of the epithelial barrier by DSS in the moderate to severe colitis model, which was much less pronounced in the mild chronic model. One of the suggested results of this disruption is the increased

passage of bacteria (including probiotic LGG) across the epithelial barrier, and subsequent increased internalization Quinapyramine and processing by macrophages and dendritic cells in the lamina propria [51]. LTA and other proinflammatory bacterial cell wall components will then become increasingly able to induce a proinflammatory response in these cells. Dysregulation of TLR expression in IBD could contribute to the proinflammatory response [51]. In the present work, we observed that application of the dltD mutant of LGG correlated with a significant down-regulation of TLR-2 expression in the mild chronic 1% DSS-induced colitis model compared to the PBS-treated group. This specific down-regulation of TLR-2 by treatment with the dltD mutant could explain the lower expression of the proinflammatory cytokines IL-12 and IFN-γ (as reviewed in [52]). The lower expression of IL-12 suggests that the dltD mutant induces fewer proinflammatory cytokines in macrophages and dendritic cells, as IL-12 is a proinflammatory cytokine that is produced mainly by these cell types [53]. DSS-induced colitis also involves the adaptive immune system, especially in more chronic experimental set-ups [54].

Anthropometric measurements and

biochemical investigation

Anthropometric measurements and

biochemical investigations were made and compared. Results: Nutritional indicators were low in all 3 groups compared to those prescribed by European Best Practice Guidelines(EBPG). BPL CKD-D patients had low serum albumin levels(32.44444 ± 6.279961 g/L; p = 0.017) and 41.83% of them were underweight. The APL CKD-ND group registered the lowest mean daily energy (22.576 ± 6.289 kcal/kg/day) and protein intake(0.71 ± 0.06 g/kg/day), due to dietary restrictions imposed on them Navitoclax price by themselves and unqualified renal dietitians. The APL group had better indicators of nutritional status in terms of mid upper arm circumference (p = 0.001), triceps skin fold thickness(p < 0.001) and serum hemoglobin (p < 0.001). Conclusion: Several nutritional parameters were below the recommended international guidelines for all the 3 groups, though the high income group had better parameters from several indicators.

There is an urgent need for nutritional counseling for CKD-D and CKD-ND patients. UNUMA SATOSHI1, OHSE TAKAMOTO1, JO AIRI1, SHIGEHISA AKIRA2, KAWAKAMI KOJI2, MATSUKI TAKAHIRO2, CHONAN OSAMU2, NANGAKU MASAOMI1 1Division of Nephrology and Endocrinology, The University of Tokyo, Tokyo, Japan; 2Yakult Central Institute for Microbiological Research, Tokyo, Japan Background: Tubulointerstitial injury is central to the progression of end-stage renal disease. We have previously reported that one of the Ruxolitinib most investigated uremic toxins, indoxyl sulfate (IS), cause tubulointerstitial injury through oxidative stress and endoplasmic reticulum (ER) stress. Because indole, the precursor of IS, is synthesized from dietary tryptophan by the gut microbiota, we hypothesized that the

intervention targeting the gut microbiota in kidney disease with galacto-oligosaccharides (GOS) would attenuate renal injury through the inhibition of indole synthesis. Methods: Two weeks after 5/6 nephrectomy (Nx) or sham operation (Sham), the rats were divided into two groups, control-diet group and GOS-diet group. After 2 weeks of GOS administration, cecal indole and serum IS were measured, renal injury was evaluated, and the effects of GOS on the gut microbiota were examined using pyrosequencing Coproporphyrinogen III oxidase methods. Results: Cecal indole and serum IS were significantly decreased and renal injury was improved with decreased infiltrating macrophages in GOS-treated Nx rats compared with Nx rats. The expressions of CHOP and GRP78 as ER stress markers and the number of TUNEL-positive cells and the expression of cleaved caspase-3 as apoptosis markers were significantly increased in the Nx rats compared with the Sham rats, and decreased with GOS. The microbiota analysis indicated that GOS significantly increased three bacterial families and decreased five families in the Nx rats.

Indeed, the profound effects of adjuvants such as alum [40] or To

Indeed, the profound effects of adjuvants such as alum [40] or Toll-like receptor ligands [41] on Th cell differentiation have been described. Thus, we favor the view that the major

effector function of IFN-γ in the pathogenesis of myocarditis is to drive the early inflammatory process, as revealed by our analysis. However, IFN-γ is not the major effector cytokine for the pathogenic remodeling of the heart muscle leading to heart failure, since it is the cooperation of IFN-γ and IL-17A that is essential for progressive disease. The early changes in the heart muscle physiology in TCR-M myocarditis could be readily detected by CMRI. We found that the initial IL-6- and IFN-γ-driven inflammation led to a significant increase in the left ventricle wall thickness at week 5. Such transient ventricular wall thickening has also been described in early stages of human myocarditis [42]. It is likely that the increased wall thickness during the early heart inflammation is the reason for the lowered end systolic and end diastolic volumes with the resulting increase in the EF. Importantly, the heart function determined as systolic volume remained stable during this phase. Our CMRI analysis in 12-week-old TCR-M mice revealed the extraordinary capacity of the mouse R788 in vivo heart to fully compensate the early pathophysiological

changes and to cope with

the ongoing chronic myocarditis. Once TCR-M had overcome the first “critical” 3 months period, they survived and bred for more than 1 year (our unpublished data). We are convinced that future prospective CMRI and echocardiagraphic studies in TCR-M mice will reveal those morphological and functional parameters that are predictive for either 3-oxoacyl-(acyl-carrier-protein) reductase progression to DCM or successful compensation. Since the expression of myhca is absent in thymic epithelial cells both in humans [25] and mice ([25] and this study), central myhca-specific T-cell tolerance is not operational. Thus, in humans, it is mostly likely that the occurrence of particular MHC class II alleles critically impinges on the susceptibility to autoimmune myocarditis. Indeed, expression of the human MHC class II antigen HLA-DQ8 in autoimmune disease-prone NOD mice precipitates spontaneous autoimmune myocarditis [43, 44]. Likewise, the TCR-M transgenic mouse with spontaneously developing, Th cell driven cardiac inflammatory disease recapitulates the central processes in the transition from autoimmune myocarditis to DCM. Importantly, the TCR-M model permits the dissection of essential immune effector pathways in monoclonal heart-specific T cells, such as the contribution of Th1/Th17 cells, in a spontaneously occurring disease setting without the strong immune-biasing effects of certain adjuvants.

Soaking protocols were successfully applied in nematode parasites

Soaking protocols were successfully applied in nematode parasites belonging to clade III [A. suum, O. volvulus, B. malayi and L. sigmodontis (111–116)] and improved for specificity and efficiency to reduce off-target effects, toxicity and costs. In contrast, successful RNAi in

worms of clade V has only been reported for a small percentage of genes that were investigated in this group of nematodes [for example (117)]. Silencing effects on different genes from T. colubriformis, H. contortus and O. ostertagi were often inefficient, difficult to reproduce and dependent Ceritinib cost on delivery method used (118–121). In a more recent study, Lendner and colleagues failed to establish knock-down of tropomyosin in various life stages of H. polygyrus. Sunitinib order In this study, dsRNA seemed not to be taken up efficiently by the parasite regardless of delivery by feeding, soaking or electroporation, with the latter even found to be lethal to L1 larvae (122). As most described techniques for dsRNA delivery involve the removal of the parasite from the host, one major obstacle for successful RNAi is the ability to maintain healthy, viable worms under in vitro culture conditions required for consistent silencing effects (123). Therefore, RNAi approaches are limited to certain life stages of the respective parasite. To circumvent difficulties associated with common RNA delivery techniques, Song et al. tested

a new approach to establish RNAi in B. malayi parasites targeting

genes in developing larvae within the intermediate host. Aedes aegypti mosquitoes were injected with dsRNA or siRNA targeting the B. malayi cathepsin L-like protease. Supplying the RNAi trigger in vivo to healthy worms in a host environment (‘in squito’) led to the highest reported specific reduction in target gene expression in B. malayi (83%) resulting in multiple phenotypes (124). These included reduced motility (69%) and growth retardation (48%) that lead to the prevention of larval development and reduced numbers of larvae migrating to the head of the mosquito, thereby abolishing parasite below transmission, decreasing parasite burden and increasing host survival. The mechanism by which the siRNAs reach the parasite within the mosquito is unclear but rapid dissemination of Cy3-labelled siRNA after injection into the haemocoel indicated the creation of a scenario in vivo that is similar to the soaking technique in vitro (124). In addition, low efficacy in delivery of dsRNA or siRNA might also be attributed to the lack of molecules involved in RNA uptake and transport to allow for systemic spread of interfering RNAs. Recent EST database analyses revealed that H. contortus apparently lacks orthologs for rde-4, responsible for dsRNA recognition and binding, as well as sid-1, sid-2, rde-2 and rsd-2 orthologs, required for dsRNA uptake and systemic spread, whilst dicer and drh-1 involved in dsRNA processing are present (122).

5) As observed, TNF-α and IL-6 mRNA levels (Fig  5a,b) were also

5). As observed, TNF-α and IL-6 mRNA levels (Fig. 5a,b) were also significantly

decreased following miR-155 inhibition. Although a decrease was observed Enzalutamide clinical trial for IL-1β (Fig. 5c), this effect was not statistically significant. As mRNA levels reflect cellular gene expression but not protein secretion, medium was collected from N9 cells following transfection with anti-miR-155 or control oligonucleotides and LPS treatment, and analysed by an ELISA to determine the levels of nine cytokines/chemokines expressed following microglia activation (Fig. 5d). This assay confirmed that miR-155 inhibition decreases the secretion of TNF-α and IL-6, but has no effect on IL-1β or any other of the tested cytokines, with the exception of TARC (thymus and activation regulated chemokine), whose levels although significantly lower compared with those of TNF-α and IL-6, were also found to be decreased. No significant differences were found between non-transfected NVP-LDE225 mouse N9 cells treated with LPS and cells transfected

with control oligonucleotides before LPS exposure (data not shown), which further confirms the specificity of the effects observed with the anti-miR-155 oligonucleotides. Taken together, these results indicate that miR-155 can act as a strong inducer of cytokine production following microglia activation and that miR-155 inhibition decreases both the expression and the secretion of specific pro-inflammatory cytokines. Nitric oxide is an inflammatory mediator whose production by iNOS is a well-described hallmark of microglia activation. Although NO is a volatile gas, it is possible to monitor

its release to the cell culture isometheptene medium by measuring the levels of nitrites, the sub-products of NO oxidation, through the Griess reaction. Aiming at assessing the contribution of miR-155 for NO production, N9 microglia cells were transfected with anti-miR155 oligonucleotides or a plasmid encoding miR-155, before LPS treatment (0·1 μg/ml for 18 hr). As expected, cells exposed to LPS presented a strong increase in nitrite production (Fig. 5a). However, miR-155 inhibition before LPS treatment led to a significant decrease in nitrite release to the medium (40%), with respect to LPS-treated untransfected cells, whereas miR-155 over-expression had the opposite effect, increasing nitrite levels. These results could not be reproduced using a control oligonucleotide or a control plasmid, which indicates that the changes in NO and nitrite production are a specific response to miR-155 modulation. Moreover, a decrease in iNOS mRNA, as assessed by qRT-PCR (Fig. 6b), and in protein levels, as assessed by Western blot (Fig. 5c,d), was observed following miR-155 inhibition, but not following transfection with the control oligonucleotides. Western blot analysis also showed an increase in iNOS levels after miR-155 over-expression, which further confirms the contribution of miR-155 to the regulation of NO synthesis by modulating iNOS expression.