The study of visual perception and object recognition was once li

The study of visual perception and object recognition was once limited to investigations of brain-damaged individuals or lesion experiments in animals. However, in the last 25 years, new methodologies, such as functional neuroimaging Sonidegib and advances in electrophysiological approaches, have provided scientists with the opportunity to examine this problem from new perspectives. This review highlights how some of these recent technological advances have contributed to the study of visual processing and where we now stand with respect to our understanding of neural mechanisms underlying object recognition.

Published by Elsevier Ltd.”
“Background: Arterial hypertension and premature coronary, artery disease are poorly understood complications of cardiac transplantation in children. Arterial stiffness is associated with cardiovascular risk in adults. Pulse wave velocity

(PWV) may be used as a surrogate for arterial rigidity. In this study We investigate PWV in children after cardiac transplantation.\n\nMethods: Sitting blood pressure was Measured in 22 children (>6 months after transplantation) and 95 controls and PWV was measured using the SphygmoCor device by high-fidelity applanation tonometry at the carotid, radial and femoral arteries.\n\nResults: The transplant group was significantly older than the control group (13.4 years vs 11.1 years; p 0.006), but there was no significant height or weight Buparlisib clinical trial difference. The diastolic (but not systolic) pressure was

significantly higher in the transplant group (75 ram Hg vs 65 mm Hg; P5091 cost p = 0.003). Aortic (carotid/femoral) PWV was significantly associated with age, height, weight (in the control group only) and systolic blood pressure according to univariate analysis, whereas brachial (carotid/radial) PWV was unrelated to these. According to multivariate analysis, height accounted best for all relationships with aortic PWV, and age and weight for brachial PWV. Using multivariate analysis, PWV was significantly higher in the cardiac transplant group for brachial (7.6 m/s vs 6.6 m/s; p < 0.01) and aortic (5.3 m/s vs 4.7 m/s; p < 0.001) measurements. The relation between length of time since transplantation and aortic PWV was statistically significant (p < 0.01).\n\nConclusions: Arterial rigidity is increased in children after cardiac transplantation. An improved understanding of blood pressure and arterial stiffness may help inform the choice of blood pressure medication in these patients. J Heart Lung Transplant 2009 28:21-5. Copyright (C) 2009 by the International Society for Heart and Lung Transplantation.”
“Aerobic granular sludge is a new type of microbe auto-immobilization technology; in this paper, short-cut nitrification and denitrification were effectively combined with the granular sludge technology.

U-2012 circumvents interference from colored pigments and other s

U-2012 circumvents interference from colored pigments and other substances (for example sugars) bound to perchloric

acid (P CA) precipitated proteins by hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) induced oxidation at 50 C. Unused hydrogen peroxide is neutralized with sodium pyruvate before protein estimation for a stable end color. The U-2012 assay is carried out on the PCA precipitated protein pellet after neutralization (with Na2CO3 plus NaOH), solubilization (in Triton-NaCl), decolorization (by H2O2) and pyruvate treatment. Protein contents in BVD-523 mw red wine and homogenates of beetroot and blueberry are calculated from standard curves established for various proteins and generated using a rectangular hyperbola with parameters estimated with Microsoft Excel’s Solver add-in. The U-2012 protein assay represents an improvement over U-1988 and gives a more accurate estimation of protein content.”
“Background: The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of hypothyroidism on lipid peroxidation and the antioxidant profile, as well as to evaluate the interaction between thyroid hormones and biomarkers of oxidative stress in patients with overt hypothyroidism. We also evaluated the influence of cholesterol concentrations on biomarkers of oxidative stress in these same patients.\n\nMethods: Total cholesterol (TC), high-density lipoprotein (HDL) cholesterol, low-density lipoprotein

(LDL) cholesterol, triglycerides, thiobarbituric acid reactive substances (TBARS), superoxide dismutase (SOD), catalase (CAT), and vitamin E were measured in 20 subjects with overt hypothyroidism (OH) and 20 controls.\n\nResults: TC, LDL cholesterol, triglycerides, TBARS, SOD, CAT, and vitamin E were significantly higher in the OH group. Significant correlation was observed for TSH and SOD, CAT, vitamin E and TBARS. Correlation was observed for triiodothyronine (T3) and SOD, CAT, vitamin E and TBARS. Significant correlation AZD0530 solubility dmso was also observed

for free thyroxine and vitamin E and TBARS. However, correlation between T3 and CAT remained significant after controlling for TC concentrations.\n\nConclusions: Overt hypothyroidism is associated with an increase in oxidative stress, and hypercholesterolemia has a stronger influence on development of oxidative stress in hypothyroid conditions compared with thyroid hormones. Clin Chem Lab Med 2010;48:1635-9.”
“Purpose of review\n\nTo provide a comprehensive summary of the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of HIV-related tuberculosis (TB) in people who inject drugs (PWIDs), and recommend actions to enhance the clinical and programmatic responses to the epidemic.\n\nRecent findings\n\nPeople who live with HIV and inject drugs have a 123 2-6-fold increased risk of developing TB compared with noninjectors, and commonly have comorbidities with hepatitis B (HBV) and C viral (HCV) infection.

36 +/- 0 1), attention (beta +/- SE:-0 42 +/- 0 1), executive

36 +/- 0.1), attention (beta +/- SE:-0.42 +/- 0.1), executive GSK126 ic50 (beta +/- SE:-0.41 +/- 0.1) and visuo-spatial functioning (beta +/- SE: -0.43 +/- 0.1). Late onset-E4 negative and early onset-E4 positive patients showed intermediate rates of decline. We found no differences in decline on memory. We found that patients who develop AD despite absence of the two most important risk factors, show steepest cognitive decline on non-memory cognitive domains. (C) 2015 Elsevier B.V. and ECNP. All rights reserved.”
“Schiffhauer ES, Vij N, Kovbasnjuk O, Kang PW, Walker D, Lee S, Zeitlin PL. Dual activation of CFTR and CLCN2 by lubiprostone in murine nasal epithelia. Am J Physiol

Lung Cell Mol Physiol 304: L324-L331, 2013. First published January 11, 2013; doi:10.1152/ajplung.00277.2012.-Multiple sodium and chloride channels on the apical surface of nasal epithelial cells contribute to periciliary fluid homeostasis, a function that is disrupted in patients with cystic fibrosis (CF). Among these channels is the chloride channel CLCN2, which has been studied as a potential alternative chloride efflux pathway in the absence of CFTR. The object of the present study was to use the nasal potential Danusertib solubility dmso difference test

(NPD) to quantify CLCN2 function in an epithelial-directed TetOn CLCN2 transgenic mouse model (TGN-K18rtTA-hCLCN2) by using the putative CLCN2 pharmacological agonist lubiprostone and peptide inhibitor GaTx2. Lubiprostone significantly increased chloride transport in the CLCN2-overexpressing mice following activation of the transgene by doxycycline. This response to lubiprostone was significantly inhibited by GaTx2 after

CLCN2 activation in TGN-CLCN2 mice. Cftr(-/-) and Clc2(-/-) mice showed hyperpolarization indicative of chloride efflux in response find protocol to lubiprostone, which was fully inhibited by GaTx2 and CFTR inhibitor 172 + GlyH-101, respectively. Our study reveals lubiprostone as a pharmacological activator of both CFTR and CLCN2. Overexpression and activation of CLCN2 leads to improved mouse NPD readings, suggesting it is available as an alternative pathway for epithelial chloride secretion in murine airways. The utilization of CLCN2 as an alternative chloride efflux channel could provide clinical benefit to patients with CF, especially if the pharmacological activator is administered as an aerosol.”
“Multiplex polymerase chain reaction (PCR), the amplification of multiple targets in a single reaction, presents a new set of challenges that further complicate More traditional PCR setups. These complications include a greater probability for nonspecific amplicon formation and for imbalanced amplification of different targets, each of which can compromise quantification and detection of Multiple targets.

This study examines the impact of a comprehensive microfinance in

This study examines the impact of a comprehensive microfinance intervention, designed to reduce the risk of poverty, on depression among AIDS-orphaned youth.\n\nMethods: Children from 15 comparable primary schools in Rakai District of Uganda, one of those hardest hit by HIV/AIDS in the country, were randomly assigned to control (n = 148) or treatment (n = 138) conditions. Children in the treatment condition received a comprehensive microfinance intervention comprising matched savings accounts, financial management workshops, and mentorship. This was in addition to traditional services provided for all school-going orphaned adolescents

(counseling and school supplies). learn more Data were collected at wave 1 (baseline), wave 2 (10 months after intervention), and wave 3 (20 months after intervention). We used multilevel growth models to examine the trajectory of depression in treatment and control conditions, measured using Children’s Depression Inventory (Kovacs).\n\nResults: Children in the treatment BVD-523 in vitro group exhibited a significant decrease in depression, whereas their control group counterparts

showed no change in depression.\n\nConclusions: The findings indicate that over and above traditional psychosocial approaches used to address mental health functioning among orphaned children in sub-Saharan Africa, incorporating poverty alleviation-focused approaches,

such as this comprehensive microfinance selleck screening library intervention, has the potential to improve psychosocial functioning of these children. (C) 2012 Society for Adolescent Health and Medicine. All rights reserved.”
“Adequate drug therapy of stable ischemic heart disease directed at reduction and prevention of main clinical symptoms of the disease, increase of exercise tolerance to physical effort, improvement of quality of life and prognosis remains an actual problem. Nicorandil combines properties of an antianginal drug and cardioprotective effects. Its pharmacological action is related to capabilities to be an nitrous oxide donor and to activate ATP-dependent potassium channels. In this review we present data on mechanism of action of nicorandil, on its clinical effectiveness, and on comparison with antianginal drugs of other groups. We have also analyzed experience of the use of nicorandil in patients with acute coronary syndrome and in conjunction with during invasive interventions.”
“Gap-coding permits the use of continuous metric characters in cladistic analyses. Character means are converted to integer equivalents by placing character state divisions in the locations of phenetic breaks between specimen clusters, under the assumption that these breaks represent the locations of bottlenecks in character distributions.

A good

correspondence was observed between the gonad morp

A good

correspondence was observed between the gonad morphology and its histological structure. Oocytes in SNDX-275 different development stages were observed in mature females. Most female in early maturity stages had sperm stored in the spermathecae, indicating that females copulate when still immature. There was no correlation between testis weight and the Needham complex, suggesting a protracted period of spermatophore production. Octopus insularis has a general gonadal development pattern similar to O. vulgaris, however, some differences were observed, as maturation at a smaller size, probably associated to a shorter life, and lower fecundity. The distinct reproductive features of O. insularis seem to be related to less variable conditions in the tropical environments. Management should take into account the differences and establish specific rules for the Northeast Brazil octopus fisheries.”
“Screening for Fabry disease (FD) reveals a high prevalence of individuals with -galactosidase A (GLA) genetic variants of unknown significance (GVUS). These individuals often do not express characteristic features of FD. A systematic

review on FD screening studies was performed to interpret the significance of GLA gene variants and to calculate the prevalence of definite classical and uncertain cases. We searched PubMed and Embase for screening studies on FD. We collected data on screening methods, clinical, biochemical and genetic assessments. The pooled prevalence of identified subjects and Selleckchem Vorinostat those with a definite diagnosis of classical FD were calculated. As criteria for a definite diagnosis, we used the presence of a GLA variant, absent or near-absent leukocyte enzyme activity and characteristic features of FD. Fifty-one studies were selected, 45 in high-risk and 6 in newborn populations. The most often used screening method was an enzyme activity assay.

Cut-off values comprised 10-55% of the mean reference value GW786034 for men and up to 80% for women. Prevalence of GLA variants in newborns was 0.04%. In high-risk populations the overall prevalence of individuals with GLA variants was 0.62%, while the prevalence of a definite diagnosis of FD was 0.12%. The majority of identified individuals in high-risk and newborn populations harbour GVUS or neutral variants in the GLA gene. To determine the pathogenicity of a GVUS in an individual, improved diagnostic criteria are needed. We propose a diagnostic algorithm to approach the individual with an uncertain diagnosis.”
“Aroma active volatiles in four southern highbush blueberry cultivars (‘Prima Dona’, ‘Jewel’, ‘Snow Chaser’, and ‘Kestrel’) were determined using solid phase microextraction (SPME) in combination with gas chromatography-olfactometry (GC-O) and identified via GC-PFPD and GC-MS using retention indices of reference compounds and mass spectral data. The aromas of total, unseparated SPME extracts evaluated using GC-O were rated 8.2-9.

3 kg ha(-1) and increased to 5273 0 kg ha(-1) with Fe 10 kg ha(-1

3 kg ha(-1) and increased to 5273.0 kg ha(-1) with Fe 10 kg ha(-1) applied plot. The maximum amount with 5317.6 kg ha(-1)

yield was achieved at 20 kg ha(-1). The applications of Fe significantly increased (P<0.01) peanut yield and hundred seed weight. The highest yield of 6030 kg ha(-1) in 2007 was obtained with 2 kg ha(-1) foliar to COM variety, the lowest yield of 3890 kg ha(-1) in 2006, was determined at NC-7 variety which was control. Fe applications had similar positive effects on 100 grain weight. However, oil yield and protein contents of peanuts did not respond to treatments. Economic analysis revealed that the highest income of 10208.0 $ ha(-1) was obtained with foliar application of 1 kg ha(-1) NVP-BSK805 Fe.”
“We show here that the viscous drag and dielectrophoretic force generated in a V-shaped ladder electrode array in a microfluidic channel cause both attracted and repelled microparticles to move to the electrodes at the centre

of the channel. Both Bacillus spores and 1-mu m polystyrene spheres in a flow concentrated at the edges of V-shaped electrodes to which a 20 V(pp) 1MHz AC voltage was applied. The results indicated the advantages of this simple setup for concentrating microparticles regardless of their dielectric constants, which is essential for highly precise cell separation and analysis. (C) 2010 The Japan Society of Applied Physics”
“Objective: MicroRNA is a type of small non-coding RNAs, which CA3 in vitro usually has a stem-loop structure. As an important stage of microRNA, the pre-microRNA is transported from nuclear to cytoplasm by exportin5 and

finally cleaved selleck compound into mature microRNA. Structure-sequence features and minimum of free energy of secondary structure have been used for predicting pre-microRNA. Meanwhile, the double helix structure with free nucleotides and base-pairing features is used to identify pre-miRNA for the first time.\n\nMethods: We applied support vector machine for a novel hybrid coding scheme using left-triplet method, the free nucleotides, the minimum of free energy of secondary structure and base-pairings features. Data sets of human pre-microRNA, other 11 species and the latest pre-microRNA sequences were used for testing.\n\nResults: In this study we developed an improved method for pre-microRNA prediction using a combination of various features and a web server called PMirP. The prediction specificity and sensitivity for real and pseudo human pre-microRNAs are as high as 98.4% and 94.9%, respectively. The web server is freely available to the public at (accessed: 26 February 2010).\n\nConclusions: Experimental results show that the proposed method improves the prediction efficiency and accuracy over existing methods. In addition, the PMirP has lower computational complexity and higher throughput prediction capacity than Mipred web server. (C) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

Gene Ontology (GO) terms related to oxidationreduction processes,

Gene Ontology (GO) terms related to oxidationreduction processes, transport and cellular

iron ion homeostasis were enriched among DE genes, highlighting the importance of metal homeostasis in adaptation to excess Zn by P. x canadensis clone I-214. We identified the up-regulation of two Populus metal transporters (ZIP2 and NRAMP1) probably involved in metal uptake, and the down-regulation of a NAS4 gene involved in metal translocation. We identified also four Fe-homeostasis transcription factors (two bHLH38 genes, FIT and BTS) that were differentially expressed, probably for reducing Zn-induced Fe-deficiency. In particular, we suggest that the down-regulation of FIT transcription factor could

be a mechanism to cope with Zn-induced LDN-193189 molecular weight Fe-deficiency in Populus. These results provide insight into the PCI-34051 cell line molecular mechanisms involved in adaption to excess Zn in Populus spp., but could also constitute a starting point for the identification and characterization of molecular markers or biotechnological targets for possible improvement of phytoremediation performances of poplar trees.”
“ObjectiveTo evaluate the effectiveness and tolerability of tapentadol prolonged release (PR) for severe, chronic low back pain with a neuropathic component in a subpopulation that achieved adequate pain relief with tapentadol PR 300mg/day in a randomized, double-blind, phase 3b study. MethodsPatients with painDETECT unclear or positive ratings and pain intensity 6 (11-point NRS-3 [average 3-day pain intensity]) were titrated to tapentadol PR 300mg/day over 3weeks. A subpopulation with pain intensity smaller than 4 continued receiving tapentadol PR 300mg/day during an 8-week, open-label continuation arm. For the primary study population, patients with 1-point decrease from baseline and pain intensity

4 were randomized to tapentadol PR 500mg/day or tapentadol PR 300mg/day plus pregabalin 300mg/day during a concurrent 8-week, PD-1/PD-L1 Inhibitor 3 concentration double-blind comparative period. ResultsFrom baseline to end of titration and to final evaluation, significant improvements were observed in pain intensity (mean [SD] changes from baseline to: end of titration; -5.3 [1.78]; final evaluation; -5.2 [2.39]; both P smaller than 0.0001), neuropathic pain symptoms, and quality-of-life measures in the open-label continuation arm, with greater improvements in this selected subpopulation than in either group in the primary study population. A favorable tolerability profile was observed, with incidences of all individual treatment-emergent adverse events5.1% during the continuation period.

The extracellular

The extracellular VX-680 nmr extract from Fischerella sp. CENA213 and M. aeruginosa NPJB-1 exhibited inhibitory activity against 3LL lung cancer cells at 0.8 mu g ml(-1) and Oxynema sp. CENA135, Cyanobium sp. CENA154, M. aeruginosa NPJB-1 and M. aeruginosa NPLJ-4 presented inhibitory activity against CT26 colon cancer cells at 0.8 mu g ml(-1). Other

extracts were able to inhibit 3LL cell-growth at higher concentrations (20 mu g ml(-1)) such as Nostoc sp. CENA67, Cyanobium sp. CENA154 and M. aeruginosa NPLJ-4, while CT26 cells were inhibited at the same concentration by Nostoc sp. CENA67 and Fischerella sp. CENA213. These extracts presented very low inhibitory activity on human peripheral blood lymphocytes. GDC-0973 mw The results showed that some cyanobacterial strains are a rich source of natural products with potential for pharmacological and biotechnological applications.”
“Patients with neuropathic pain (NeuP) experience substantially lower health-related quality of life (HRQoL) than the general population. The aim of this systematic review and meta-analysis is to test the hypothesis that NeuP is associated with low levels of health utility. A structured search of electronic databases (MEDLINE, EMBASE, Cochrane Library and CINAHL) was undertaken. Reference lists of retrieved reports were also reviewed. Studies reporting utility

single-index measures (preference based) in NeuP were included. Random effects meta-analysis was used to pool EQ-5D index utility estimates across NeuP conditions. The association of utilities and pre-defined factors (NeuP condition, patient age, sex, duration and severity of pain and method of utility scoring) was examined using meta-regression. Twenty-four studies reporting

MK0683 health utility values in patients with NeuP were included in the review. Weighted pooled utility score across the studies varied from a mean of 0.15 for failed back surgery syndrome to 0.61 for post-herpetic neuralgia and diabetic neuropathy. Although there was substantial heterogeneity (P < 0.0001) across studies, we found little variation in utility as a function of patient and study characteristics. The single exception was a significant relationship (P < 0.0001) between increasing neuropathic pain severity and a reduction in utility. This study confirms the hypothesis that patients with NeuP experience low utilities and therefore low HRQoL. However, the contribution of non-NeuP co-morbidity remains unclear. Neuropathic pain severity emerged as a primary predictor of the negative health impact of NeuP. (C) 2010 International Association for the Study of Pain. Published by Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.”
“Purpose: The presence of multipotent human limbal stromal cells resembling mesenchymal stromal cells (MSC) provides new insights to the characteristic of these cells and its therapeutic potential.

05) Anoscopy was negative in 15 of the 18 CC- and LBC-negative c

05). Anoscopy was negative in 15 of the 18 CC- and LBC-negative cases. CC identified 75% of patients with positive biopsy, while LBC identified 85.71% of these patients. Molecular biology results showed that patients with LSIL tested positive for the highest number of HPV subtypes. The associations between positive biopsy and high

grade HPV, HPV 16, and multiple HPV infections were not statistically significant. Conventional and liquid-based cytology are equally effective in screening for anal preneoplastic lesions. Diagn. Cytopathol. 2014;42:840-845. (c) 2014 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.”
“Tendon healing is characterized by the formation of fibrovascular scar tissue, as tendon has very little intrinsic regenerative capacity. This creates a substantial clinical challenge in the setting of large, chronic tears seen clinically. Interest in regenerative healing seen in amphibians and certain strains of mice has arisen in response to the biological behavior of Acalabrutinib mw tendon tissue. Bone is also a model of tissue regeneration as healing bone will achieve the mechanical and histologic characteristics of the original tissue. The ultimate goal

of the study of genes and mechanisms that contribute to true tissue regeneration Nepicastat purchase is to ultimately attempt to manipulate the expression of those genes and activate these mechanisms in the setting of tendon injury and repair. Clearly, further research is needed to bring this to the forefront, however, study of scarless healing has potential to have meaningful application to tendon healing. (c) 2015 Orthopaedic Research Society. Published by Wiley Periodicals, Inc. J Orthop Res 33:823-831, 2015.”
“Preeclampsia is associated with hypertension and increased infant and maternal morbidity and mortality. The underlying cause of preeclampsia is largely unknown, but it is clear that an immunological component plays a key pathophysiological role. This review will highlight immunological key players in the pathology of preeclampsia and discuss their role in the pathophysiology

observed in the reduced placental perfusion (RUPP) rat model of preeclampsia.”
“Chromatin remodeling, especially VS-4718 in vivo in relation to the transactivator Tat, is an essential event for human immunodeficiency virus-1 (HIV-1) transcription. Curcumin has been shown to suppress pathways linked to HIV-1 replication. We investigated whether curcumin had the potential to inhibit Tat-induced long terminal repeat region (LTR) transactivation. As we shown, curcumin inhibited Tat-induced LTR transcativation, while knockdown of histone deacetylase 1 (HDAC1) by siRNA potentiated Tat-induced HIV-1 transcativation. Curcumin reversed Tat-induced down-regulation of HDAC1 expression in multinuclear activation of galactosidase indicator (MAGI) cells. Treatment with curcumin reversed Tat-induced dissociation of HDAC1 from LTR; and curcumin caused a decline in the binding of p65/NF kappa B to LTR promoters stimulated by Tat.

While apple transgenic trees displaying a high constitutive exp

. While apple transgenic trees displaying a high constitutive expression level of SP-HrpN(Ea) showed a slight reduction of infection frequency after E. amylovora inoculation, there was no decrease in the disease severity. Thus HrpNEa seems to act as an elicitor of host defenses, when localized in the host membrane.”
“The present study aimed at optimization of estrous period of prolonged estrus exhibiting

crossbred cows (n=10) using PGF(2 alpha) analogue (cloprostenol 500 mu g, i/m) administration between days 7 to 9 post-ovulation. Using a scoring chart, cows were scheduled for visual estrus detection, twice per day for 30 min. After each schedule, ultrasonography was done to detect the ovulation time. A scoring scale was used for the recording of visual estrus signs and estrus related alterations in the genital tract. During spontaneous-estrus (124.5 +/- 24h), ovulatory follicles had continuous growth before ovulation. ERK inhibitor manufacturer During induced-estrus (32 +/- 3.5h), the maximum diameter of

ovulatory follicle was similar to spontaneous-estrus. The corpus luteum (CL) exhibited slow regression during spontaneous-estrus. The inconsistent estrous score recorded during the extended estrous period was normalized at induced-estrus. In summary, the slow ovulatory follicle growth and CL regression could be associated with the persistence of estrous characteristics, which were optimized following PGF(2 alpha) administration during early-luteal phase of selleck chemicals cows.”
“The Wnt/beta-catenin signalling pathway is involved in tumorigenesis including endocrine tumors. We investigated the Wnt/beta-catenin pathway’s modulation by corticotropin-releasing hormone (CRH) and somatostatin or somatotropin release-inhibiting factor (SRIF) in mouse pituitary AtT-20 corticotroph cells. The Wnt/beta-catenin signalling pathway was activated by CRH and inhibited by SRIF. We provide evidence that cAMP/PKA signalling is involved affecting the GSK-3 beta phosphorylation status at phospho-GSK-3 beta (Ser9), thereby altering beta-catenin degradation downstream. Furthermore, CRH and SRIF showed concordant effects on cell proliferation. Our data demonstrate an important role of the Wnt/beta-catenin pathway in the proliferative control of pituitary corticotroph cells and describe a mechanism for its regulation by CRH and SRIF.”
“In order to characterize lesions associated with Codiostomum struthionis in ostriches, 10 caeca were examined on both macro- and microscopic levels. Parasites were found in the distal third of the caecum and characterized as C struthionis. Thickened mucosa was identified macroscopically where parasites were observed in high concentrations. Nodular areas were also observed in the distal third of the infected caeca, as well as hemorrhagic areas abutting small ulcers surrounded by edema. These findings were not observed in healthy controls.