1 g/d, ‘low’), 3 human equivalent doses (3 4 g/d, ‘medium’), and

1 g/d, ‘low’), 3 human equivalent doses (3.4 g/d, ‘medium’), and 6 human equivalent doses (6.8 g/d, ‘high’) of the WPH-based supplement as well as water only (‘water’) on markers of kidney and liver damage. Liver apoptotic cell and Selleck PF-562271 microgranuloma counts represent potential liver injury/damage; hepatocellular mitoses and focal granuloposis/erythropoesis counts represent potential liver regeneration after

injury; liver lipidosis counts represent the development of fatty liver. Kidney histopathlogy definitions [derived from reference Guyton and Hall [13]: Basophilia of tubules in corticomedullary junction counts represent potential nephron damage; moderate unilateral hydronephrosis represent excessive dilation of the kidneys and potential decrement in kidney function; large focal tubular regeneration with lymphocytes counts represent potential kidney damage and toxicity; FG-4592 cost focal tubular mineralization counts represent potential tubular damage; focal perivascular lymphoid infiltrate counts represent potential kidney damage and toxicity.

Liver histopathology definitions (derived from reference Guyton and Hall [13]): Symbols: † indicates proportion of observations with water is significantly higher than observations in different

treatment conditions as determined by a Chi-square test (p = 0.001). There were no significant differences in serum clinical chemistry profiles between the 4 conditions (Table 2, p > 0.05). Finally, this website there were no significant differences in brain, heart, and whole body weights between the 4 conditions (Table 2, p > 0.05). Table 2 Dose-dependent effects of WPH feeding for 30 days on blood and other health markers Variable p-value between conditions water (n = 5) low (n = 5) medium (n = 5) high (n = 5) Serum markers           Triglycerides (mg/dL) p = 0.60 184 ± 28 169 ± 18 187 ± 13 153 ± 14 Glucose (mg/dL) p = 0.32 183 ± 12 154 ± 11 187 ± 17 167 ± 14 Urea Nitrogen (mg/dL) p = 0.45 25 ± 1 24 ± 1 26 ± 1 24 ± 2 Creatinine (mg/dL) p = 0.25 0.41 ± 0.01 0.39 ± 0.01 0.44 ± 0.03 0.38 ± 0.02 Sodium (mmol/L) p = 0.33 145 ± 1 147 ± 1 144 ± 1 146 ± 1 Potassium (mmol/L) p = 0.20 6.4 ± 1 5.8 ± 0 6.9 ± 1 5.1 ± 0 Chloride (mmol/L) p = 0.59 99 ± 0 98 ± 1 98 ± 0 99 ± 0 Total Protein (g/dL) p = 0.17 6.9 ± 0.1 6.7 ± 0.1 6.7 ± 0.1 6.5 ± 0.0 Albumin (g/dL) p = 0.26 3.5 ± 0.0 3.4 ± 0.0 3.4 ± 0.1 3.4 ± 0.1 Calcium (mg/dL) p = 0.06 12.8 ± 0.1 12.5 ± 0.2 12.4 ± 0.3 12.0 ± 0.

Two of the selected TDFs (serine/threonine-protein

Two of the selected TDFs (serine/threonine-protein PLX-4720 nmr kinase and importin β) were more abundant in infected plants, whereas two TDFs (autophagy protein 5 and RNA polymerase β) showed higher expression in healthy plants. The 18 s RNA gene of Mexican lime tree was used as a reference gene for data normalization, as described previously [12]. Real-time PCR analysis showed that the expression of the selected genes agreed well with the profiles determined by cDNA-AFLP (Figure 4). Figure

4 Real-time analysis of four differentially expressed transcript derived fragments (DE-TDFs). The Y axis represents the relative expression (expression normalised to that of the housekeeping gene). Discussion In this study, we performed a comparative transcriptomic analysis of healthy Mexican lime trees and those infected by “” Ca. Phytoplasma aurantifolia”"

by using cDNA-AFLP technique. For this analysis, we used leaf samples from healthy controls and infected plants at the symptomatic stage. The symptomatic stage was chosen because the plant/pathogen interaction is well established but the plant cells are still active and can maintain pathogen survival. As far as we are aware, our study is the first gene expression analysis of the compatible interaction between “” Ca. Phytoplasma aurantifolia”" and Mexican lime trees. We observed transcriptional changes that affected the expression of several genes related to physiological functions that click here would affect most leaves in infected tissues. The cDNA-AFLP method for global transcriptional analysis is an open architecture technology that is appropriate for gene expression studies in non-model species. This is because prior sequence data are not required for the visual identification

of differentially-expressed transcripts, in contrast to other approaches. Infection with “” Ca. Phytoplasma aurantifolia”" causes widespread gene repression in Mexican lime trees Sixty-seven percent of the identified DE-TDFs were down-regulated in response to infection, Vitamin B12 whereas only 33% were up-regulated in response to infection which could reflect the exploitation of cellular resources and the suppression of defence responses by the phytoplasma [13]. Responses to external stimuli and defence Several genes that were modulated in Mexican lime trees by infection with “” Ca. Phytoplasma aurantifolia”" were related to defence, cell walls, and response to stress. The expression of autophagy protein 5 was repressed. Autophagy is a survival mechanism that protects cells against unfavourable environmental conditions, such as microbial pathogen infection, oxidative stress, nutrient starvation, and aggregation of damaged proteins [14]. It has been shown that carbohydrate starvation induces the expression of autophagy genes [15] and stimulates the formation of reactive oxidative species (ROS) in plants [14].

Fungal growth was monitored microscopically with an Olympus CK40

Fungal growth was monitored microscopically with an Olympus CK40 microscope equipped with a Zeiss MRc digital camera and the growth rates were determined spectrophotometrically as described previously [19]. Alternatively, 2 × 103 conidia were spotted in 5 μl aliquots on appropriately supplemented agar plates. The plates were then incubated at 37°C for up to 72 h. Every 24 h, the plates were photographed and the colony

diameters were determined. All assays were performed as technical triplicates and biological duplicates. Analysis of the induction of the agsA expression by a GFP-based reporter system The A. niger reporter strain selleck chemicals llc RD6.47 carries the agsA promoter fused to a nucleus-targeted GFP (H2B::eGFP) [27]. Activation of the CWIP can be monitored by the increase in nuclear fluorescence. Analysis of the activation of the agsA promoter by 10-100 μg/ml AFPNN5353 Selleck ATM/ATR inhibitor was performed

as described in [10]. As a positive control, caspofungin at a concentration of 10 μg/ml was used. Fluorescence images were taken from coverslips observed with an Axioplan 2 microscope (Zeiss) equipped with a Sony DKC-5000 digital camera. Fluorescence staining Indirect immunofluorescence staining A. nidulans was grown over night on glass cover slips at 30°C in CM. They were further incubated for 90 min in the presence or absence (controls) of 0.2 μg/ml AFPNN5353. The samples were stained as described previously [14]

and incubated with rabbit-anti-AFPNN5353 antibody (1:2.500, Novozymes, Denmark) for at least 60 min. Immunocomplexes were detected with FITC-conjugated swine-anti-rabbit IgG (1:40, DAKO, Germany). All samples were embedded in Vectashield mounting medium (Vector Laboratories, Burlingame, USA). Microscopy was done with a Zeiss Axioplan fluorescence microscope or a Zeiss confocal laser scanning microscope as described in [14]. For incubation with latrunculin B (Sigma, Austria), samples were treated with 0.2 μg/ml AFPNN5353 and 10 μg/ml latrunculin Erythromycin B for 80 min. As a control, samples were treated with DMSO to exclude artifacts evoked by the dissolvent of latrunculin B. For detection of AFPNN5353 in the presence of elevated concentrations of CaCl2, fungi were grown in CM* medium and then treated with 0.2 μg/ml AFPNN5353 in the presence of 10 mM CaCl2 for 90 min. Analysis of membrane permeabilization and cell viability To determine if AFPNN5353 permeabilized the plasma membrane of A. niger germlings, we used a combination of propidium iodide (PI) and fluorescein diacetate (cell tracker, CMFDA green, Invitrogen) according to [48]. Twelve h old A. niger germlings were grown in Vogels medium and pretreated with the two dyes (final conc.

Edited by: Fall New York: Academic press; 1968:415–446 14 Frie

Edited by: Fall. New York: Academic press; 1968:415–446. 14. Friedewald WT, Levy RI, Fredrickson DS: Estimation of the concentration of low-density

lipoprotein cholesterol in plasma, without use of the preparative ultracentrifuge. Clin Chem 1972,18(6):499–502.PubMed 15. Martin-Moreno JM, Boyle P, Gorgojo L, Maisonneuve P, Fernandez-Rodriguez JC, PD0325901 molecular weight Salvini S, Willett WC: Development and validation of a food frequency questionnaire in Spain. Int J Epidemiol 1993,22(3):512–519.PubMedCrossRef 16. Mariscal-Arcas M, Romaguera D, Rivas A, Feriche B, Pons A, Tur JA, Olea-Serrano F: Diet quality of young people in southern Spain evaluated by a Mediterranean adaptation of the Diet Quality Index-International (DQI-I). Br J Nutr 2007,98(6):1267–1273.PubMed 17. Bondia-Pons I, Mayneris-Perxachs J, Serra-Majem L, Castellote AI, Marine A, Lopez-Sabater MC: Diet quality of a population sample from coastal north-east Spain evaluated by a Mediterranean adaptation of the diet quality index (DQI). Public Health Nutr 2010,13(1):12–24.PubMedCrossRef 18. Farran A, Zamora R, Cervera P: Tablas de composición buy Ibrutinib de alimentos del CESNID. Madrid: McGraw-Hill-Interamericana; 2003. 19. Schroder H, Fito M, Estruch R, Martinez-Gonzalez MA, Corella D, Salas-Salvado J, Lamuela-Raventos R, Ros

E, Salaverria I, Fiol M, Lapetra J, Vinyoles E, Gomez-Gracia E, Lahoz C, Serra-Majem L, Pinto X, Ruiz-Gutierrez V, Covas MI: A short screener is valid for assessing Mediterranean diet adherence among older Spanish men and women. J Nutr 2011,141(6):1140–1145.PubMedCrossRef 20. Ronnemaa T, Marniemi J, Puukka P, Kuusi T: Effects of long-term physical exercise on serum lipids, lipoproteins and lipid metabolizing enzymes in type 2 (non-insulin-dependent) diabetic patients. Diab Res 1988,7(2):79–84. 21. Halbert JA, Silagy CA, Finucane P, Withers www.selleck.co.jp/products/Decitabine.html RT, Hamdorf PA: Exercise training and blood lipids in hyperlipidemic and normolipidemic adults: a meta-analysis of randomized, controlled trials. Eur J Clin Nutr 1999,53(7):514–522.PubMedCrossRef 22. Kelley G, Kelley K: Effects of aerobic exercise on lipids and lipoproteins in adults

with type 2 diabetes: a meta-analysis of randomized-controlled trials. Public Health 2007,121(9):643–655.PubMedCentralPubMedCrossRef 23. Huffman KM, Hawk VH, Henes ST, Ocampo CI, Orenduff MC, Slentz CA, Johnson JL, Houmard JA, Samsa GP, Kraus WE, Bales CW: Exercise effects on lipids in persons with varying dietary patterns-does diet matter if they exercise? Responses in Studies of a Targeted Risk Reduction Intervention through Defined Exercise I. Am Heart J 2012,164(1):117–124.PubMedCentralPubMedCrossRef 24. Pattyn N, Cornelissen VA, Eshghi SR, Vanhees L: The effect of exercise on the cardiovascular risk factors constituting the metabolic syndrome: a meta-analysis of controlled trials. Sports Med 2013,43(2):121–133.PubMedCentralPubMedCrossRef 25. Berg A, Frey I, Baumstark MW, Halle M, Keul J: Physical activity and lipoprotein lipid disorders.

Over all the time of their existence cyanobacteria had two quanti

Over all the time of their existence cyanobacteria had two quantity peaks: about

two and one billion years ago. Bacterial mats mineral rests (stromatolites) form thick rock massifs. The spring communities with a higher sulfides contain possess a specific feature, i.e. a complex of dominants that could consist of diverse cyanobacteria species (Phormidium spp., Oscillatoria spp, Scytonema sp. and others), bacteria and algae. Here anoxygenic phototrophic bacteria Chloroflexus sp. or hemolitotrophic sulfur-reducing bacteria Thiothrix sp. can be labeled as active agents and edificators of the communities. In non-sulfide springs monodominant communities can be observed. FK506 These communities are represented by cyanobacteria Phormidium spp. or Mastigocladus laminosus, that formed thick gelatinous mats, in contrast to sulfide springs where mats were thin and easily destructible. In cyanobacterial mats the precipitating of amorphous SiO2 and calcite has been determined. SiO2 depositions mainly occur Selleckchem Venetoclax as the result of the solution thermodynamic parameters changes. Calcite formation in a cyanobacterial mat looks like isometric (10–30 μm) crystals. There was found a direct relation between calcium contain in solution and calcite forming in mats. Microbial mats decisive role in large amount of elements accumulation has been determined. These

elements are distributed in different ways between organic and mineral substance of the microbial

mats. The distribution of K, Mn, Ni, Cu, Zn, Fe is regular, Ca, Rb, Sr are almost totally related with the mats mineral part, while Ga, Ge Astemizole and Br are accumulated in mats organic substance. The microbial mats destruction does not entail Ga, Ge and Br transformation into minerals, but results in their being carried away by water streams. Almost all the elements studied are accumulated by microbial communities. Exclusively in non-sulfide springs (Garga and Uro) Ge is accumulated by cyanobacterial mats. Thus, basing upon studying of structure and some specific features of Baikal rift zone hydrotermes microbial communities functioning, it is possible to get a notion about the processes which occurred in Precambrian primary prokaryotic community and its significance for the modern biosphere formation. This work was supported by the RFBR (06-05-64767, 06-05-64957, 08-05-00968); IP: 18-16 and 96; SS-5736.2008.5; RPN., PP SB RAS [2116]24 and Program “BOE”. Gerasimenko L.M., Orleansky V.K. (2004) Actualistic paleontology of cyanobacteria. In the same book: 80–108. Zavarzin G.A. (2004) Development of microbial communities in the Earth’s history. Ed. by V.F Galchenko, Proceedings of Winogradsky Institute of Microbiology XII: 149–159. Moscow, Nauka. E-mail: bal412003@mail.

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Williams KP: Integration sites for genetic elements in prokaryoti

Williams KP: Integration sites for genetic elements in prokaryotic tRNA and tmRNA genes: sublocation preference of integrase subfamilies. Nucleic Acids Res 2002, 30:866–875.CrossRefPubMed 39. Chattoraj DK: Control of plasmid DNA replication by iterons: no longer paradoxical. Mol Microbiol 2000, 37:467–476.CrossRefPubMed 40. del Solar G, Giraldo R, Ruiz-Echevarria MJ, Espinosa M, Diaz-Orejas R: Replication and control of circular bacterial plasmids. Microbiol Mol Biol Rev 1998, 62:434–464.PubMed 41. Goldsmith M, Sarov-Blat L, Livneh Z: Plasmid-encoded MucB protein is a DNA polymerase ( pol RI ) specialized for lesion bypass in the presence of MucA’, RecA, and SSB. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA

2000, 97:11227–11231.CrossRefPubMed 42. Yoshida Daporinad T, Kim SR, Komano T: Twelve pil genes are required for biogenesis of the R64 thin pilus. J Bacteriol 1999, 181:2038–2043.PubMed 43. Mattick JS:

Type IV pili and twitching SRT1720 chemical structure motility. Annu Rev Microbiol 2002, 56:289–314.CrossRefPubMed 44. Komano T: Shufflons: multiple inversion systems and integrons. Annu Rev Genet 1999, 33:171–191.CrossRefPubMed 45. Dobrindt U, Hochhut B, Hentschel U, Hacker J: Genomic islands in pathogenic and environmental microorganisms. Nat Rev Microbiol 2004, 2:414–24.CrossRefPubMed 46. Meer JR, Sentchilo V: Genomic islands and the evolution of catabolic pathways in bacteria. Curr Opin Biotechnol 2003, 14:248–254.CrossRefPubMed 47. Mohd-Zain Z, Turner SL, Cerdeno-Tarraga AM, Lilley AK, Inzana TJ, Duncan AJ, Harding RM, Hood DW, Peto TE, Crook DW: Transferable antibiotic resistance elements in Haemophilus influenzae share a common evolutionary origin with a diverse family of syntenic genomic

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The bottom layer consisted of Mueller Hinton agar containing the

The bottom layer consisted of Mueller Hinton agar containing the antibiotic at Cmin, which was allowed to harden with the plate slanted sufficiently to cover the entire bottom. The top layer, added to the dish in the Sunitinib ic50 normal position, contained antibiotics at Cmax. An inoculum of 1010 CFU/mL of each strain was homogenously spread onto each plate and incubated for 48 hrs at 37°C. After incubation, colonies grown at the highest drug concentration were sampled, checked for purity, and re-plated on a new antibiotic-containing agar plates. A total of 10 consecutive passages on antibiotic containing plates were followed by 10 passages on antibiotic-free plates in order to evaluate stability of acquired

resistance. MIC values were determined after 1, 5 and 10 passages on antibiotic containing plates and after 5 and 10 passages in antibiotic free medium in order to evaluate stability of acquired resistance. Acquisition of resistance was defined as a MIC value higher than resistance breakpoint. Characterization of acquired resistance To determine whether E. coli mutants that had acquired stable resistance to quinolones had alterations in topoisomerase IV or Palbociclib DNA gyrase, parC, parE, gyrA, and gyrB were amplified by PCR and sequenced as described previously [35]. Amplification products were purified with the QIAquick PCR purification kit (Qiagen Inc., Milan Italy)

using the manufacturer’s instructions. Sequencing was performed on an ABI PRISM 310 genetic analyzer (Applied Biosystems, Monza, Italy). Only mutations known to be associated with resistance to fluoroquinolones were considered (Ser83, Asp87 and Ala93 in GyrA, Ser80 and Glu84 in ParC) [36]. References 1. Luzzaro F, Viganò EF, Fossato D, Grossi A, Sala A, Sturla C, Saudelli M, Toniolo MRIP A, AMCLI Lombardia Hospital Infectious Study Group: Prevalence and drug susceptibility of pathogens causing bloodstream infections in northern Italy: a two years study in 16 hospitals. Eur J Clin

Microbiol Infect Dis 2002, 21:849–855.PubMed 2. Kang CI, Kim SH, Bang JW, Kim HB, Kim NJ, Kim EC, Oh MD, Choe KW: Community-acquired versus nosocomial Klebsiella pneumoniae bacteriemia: clinical features, treatment outcomes, and clinical implication of antimicrobial resistance. J Korean Med Sci 2006, 21:816–822.PubMedCrossRef 3. Gobernado M, Valdes L, Alos JI, García Rey C, Dal-Ré Saavedra R, García de Lomas J: Quinolone resistance in female outpatient urinary tract isolates of Escherichia coli : age-related differences. Rev Esp Quimioterap 2007, 20:206–210. 4. Andreu A, Alos JI, Gobernado M, Marco F, de la Rosa M, García-Rodríguez JA, García-Rodríguez JA, Grupo Cooperativo Español para el Estudio de la Sensibilidad Antimicrobiana de los Patógenos Urinarios: Etiology and antimicrobial susceptibility among uropathogens causing community-acquired urinary tract infections: a nationwide surveillance study. Enferm Infec Microbiol Clin 2005, 23:4–9.CrossRef 5.

8% of the C jejuni collection) A second group of 39 alleles con

8% of the C. jejuni collection). A second group of 39 alleles contained all but 7 C. coli isolates (97.7% Bafilomycin A1 mouse of the C. coli collection). Interestingly, the 39 alleles related to C. coli encode only two different

peptide sequences that differ in one single amino acid (Thr86Ile substitution giving rise to quinolone resistance). By contrast, the 41 alleles related to C. jejuni encode 8 different peptide sequences (numbered between #1 and #14). The d N/d S ratios were lower for the C. coli (0.0075) than the C. jejuni (0.0498) collections, reflecting a higher level of synonymous changes within the gyrA sequences of the C. coli than in those of C. jejuni. The phylogenic tree in Figure 1 further highlights two clades for C. jejuni and three clades for C. coli. Figure 1 Neighbour-joining radial distance phylogenetic tree constructed with the 80 nucleotide gyrA alleles identified. PG = peptide group. Bootstrap

support values (%) for each of the nodes leading to the gyrA sequence clusters are indicated. Key: surface waters, green; domesticated mammals, blue; poultry, yellow; multi-source, grey. Genetic diversity among the gyrA sequences within each species The nucleotide sequences were aligned to an arbitrarily chosen reference allele (allele #1 and #301 for C. jejuni and C. coli, respectively). Selleckchem Smoothened Agonist A total of 36 and 46 polymorphic sites were found for C. jejuni and C. coli, respectively. Next, nucleotide alleles were classified in a two-step approach: first, according to the encoded peptide (i.e. non-synonymous mutations) and second, according to similarities in nucleotide sequences (i.e. synonymous mutations). Tables 1 and 2 display this classification and show a selection

of synonymous and non-synonymous changes in sequences that were common to several alleles and which determined different peptide groups (PG). The 430 isolates of the C. jejuni (-)-p-Bromotetramisole Oxalate collection were classified into 9 PGs: 8 corresponded to PGs #1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8 and 14 related to C. jejuni (41 nucleotide alleles) and one corresponded to PG #301 related to C. coli (encoded by the nucleotide allele #301, Table 1). For refining grouping among the 302 C. coli strains, PG #301 (originally composed of 39 nucleotide alleles) was subdivided in four parts named A, B, C and D according to similarities in synonymous mutations in their nucleotide sequences (Table 2). PG #302 included all strains with the quinolone resistance C257T mutation (10 nucleotide alleles). The remaining peptide groups were specific to the C. jejuni species (PGs #7, 8, 9 and 23). Table 1 Distribution of C. jejuni gyrA alleles by source and conserved nucleotide Peptide group Allele no.* Nucleotide position Distribution by source** No. of ST 64 111 210 257 276 324 408 438 486 SW DM P   1 A G C C G A G C A 26 27 22 26   4 . . . . . . . . . 2 14 6 6   5 . . . . . . . . . 3 12 10 11   7 . . . . . . . . . 45 8 16 11   11 . . . . . . A . . 26 10   22   12 . . . . . . . . .     1 1   13 . . . . . . . . . 3   4 5   16 . . .

Moreover, cells transform

from a spindle-shaped morpholog

Moreover, cells transform

from a spindle-shaped morphology into a rounded morphology, resembling a mesenchymal-to-epithelial morphological transition. Using this dynamic protein modulation strategy with intravital imaging, we will be able to quantify the impact of dynamic E-cadherin modulation in vivo during each rate-limiting step of metastasis. Poster No. 132 Hyperoxic Treatment induces Mesenchymal-to-Epithelial Transition in a Rat Adenocarcinoma Model Ingrid Moen 1 , Anne M. Øyan2,3, Karl-Henning Kalland2,3, Karl Johan Tronstad1, Lars A. Akslen2,4, Martha Chekenya1, Per Øystein Sakariassen1, Rolf K. Reed1, Linda EB Stuhr1 1 Department of Biomedicine, University of Bergen, Bergen, Norway, selleck chemicals llc 2 The Gade Institute, University of Bergen, Bergen, Norway, 3 GSK1120212 cost Department of Microbiology, University of Bergen, Bergen, Norway, 4 Department of Pathology, University of Bergen, Bergen, Norway Background: Tumor hypoxia is considered to be relevant for several aspects of tumor pathophysiology, for tumor growth and progression, and epithelial to mesenchymal transition (EMT). We now report that hyperbaric oxygen (HBO) treatment induced mesenchymal to epithelial transition (MET) in a dimetyl-α-benzantracene induced mammary rat adenocarcinoma model, and the MET was associated with extensive coordinated

gene expression changes and less aggressive tumors. Methods: One group of tumor bearing rats was exposed to HBO treatment (2 bar, pO2 = 2 bar, 4 exposures à 90 minutes), whereas the control group was housed under normal atmosphere (1 bar, pO2 = 0.2). Treatment effects were determined by assessment of tumor growth, tumor vascularisation, tumor cell proliferation, cell death and gene expression profile. Results: Tumor growth was significantly

reduced (~16%) after repeated HBO treatment compared to day 1 levels, whereas control tumors increased almost 100% in volume. A significantly decrease in tumor cell proliferation and tumor blood vessels, together with an increase in cell death, are consistent with tumor growth reduction and tumor stroma influence after hyperoxic treatment. Gene expression Carnitine palmitoyltransferase II profiling showed that HBO induced a MET with increased expression of cell attachment gene modules. Conclusion: Hyperoxia induces a coordinated alteration of entire gene modules of cell junctions, attachments and MET, which leads to less aggressive DMBA-induced mammary tumors. This indicates that oxygen per se might be an important factor in the “switch” from EMT to MET in vivo. HBO treatment also attenuates tumor growth and changes tumor stroma by targeting the vascular system, having anti-proliferative and pro-apoptotic effect. Poster No. 133 BMP2 Upregalates the Migration and Invasion of Gastric Cancer Cells via PI3K/Akt-Raf-NF-κB Pathways Myoung Hee Kang 1 , Han-Na Kang1, Jung-Lim Kim1, Yong Park2, Jun-Suk Kim2, Sang-Cheul Oh2, Young A.